Chapter 27: Play Gone Wrong?

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Warning: contains heavy profanity. Mentions of drugs and violence. 

What could go wrong? That question runs in Oli's mind as they go through the plan hours before the auction.  She asks herself that question as she dresses up for the question.  She repeats the question as she and Lino are finally entering the place. 

What could go wrong? She's not even sure if that question is for the sake of giving her that optimistic answer to it or if she's genuinely worried about this plan.  There's too many people involved.  That feeling that if anything goes wrong any of these companions will get hurt.  It's a new and uneasy feeling.  It even worsens when he and Lino finally step into the black auction located in a hotel.  An auction disguised as some charity event.  

The only thing Oli could laugh about is the idea that these people with something up their sleeves always hide themselves at the idea of goodness.  A charity event.  A donation event.  An obvious mask for a villain.  

Chairs and tables line up in front of some stage where different products will be displayed for auction.  Oli makes a quick scan at the whole place before she can even let herself listen to what Lino is saying. 

"Remember, it's room 403.  VIP suite," Lino says as the two of them walk side by side.  

Oli can simply nod as a response.  Lino notices the distraction.  He looks around before he pulls Oli to the side.  He cups her cheeks and immediately plants a kiss on her forehead.  That's about it to get Oli back to her own self. 

"Well, that's utterly disgusting," Oli glares. 

"Oh wound me, Oli," Lino said making some sort of dramatic expression.  

"I'm fine.  Let's just get this over with," Oli said as she walked past him.  Lino simply smiles.  Though, when he's about to follow Oli, he notices Locke in security clothing just right in front of the door. Locke's eyes narrow at him.  Lino couldn't help but just smile and chuckle. 

"Step up the game," Lino tells Locke as he now walks past him.  

Plans like this often take a long time.  It requires a certain kind of precision to every move.  However, when Oli immediately finds herself catching the attention of the man of the show, she felt like the show is moving too quickly. 


"It must be fate that I met you here," Brambilla said. 

However, here it is. 

"Fate it is," she replied.  

Brambilla looks around for a moment before he looks back at Oli. "Your husbands?" He asked. 

"At home...probably.  Being with them all day long can be quite tiring and boring, so I gave myself a little...break," she said, giving the sweetest smile she could manage to break from her lips.  

"A break, you say.  That's interesting.  Though, I must agree on you that spouses can be quite draining,"

"Are you married, Mr Brambilla?" Oli raises her eyebrows. 

"Marriage is nothing but a contract.  A piece of paper that blinds people of what they can get more of this ragged world," his gaze showing interest the more he looks at Oli. 

However, instead of feeling disgusted by this once more, she takes it as a fish easily baited by a hook.  A dangerous hook.  So, she throws the hook into the lake. 

"I guess...I would have to agree with you on this one,"  she smirks. 

"Really?" One eyebrow raises up. 

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