Chapter 11: Underlying Truth

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Charles would never feel too guilty about being too blunt unless it's Oli.  He wouldn't exactly do it if it's necessary.  He knew then that this whole situation is different for Oli, but he could see how she constantly refused to believe it.  His constant lending hand is being refused repeatedly. 

Instead of letting the defeat by his reason to leave the place, he sits down to ponder on it.  Not for long the door opens and Alisa in all hoodie and jogging pants enters the room. 

"Got turned down, huh," she flops down on a chair where Oli sat.  Grabbing a chopsticks, she takes a bite of sushi. 

"I'm assuming you listened to the whole conversation," Charles drinks his apparently cold tea. 

"I always listen, boss, especially if it's anything related to Oli," 


"So, what's the plan?" Alisa asked with a full mouth.  

Charles takes a moment before answering. "I don't know," 

Alisa chuckles only to the hesitant reply. "You don't know, or you do know.  The only problem is you don't know if you should set forward to do it," 

"Why is it that in times like this you're the one who acts like the boss, Alisa?" It's useless for Charles to even set up a dominance in this room especially with someone like her.  Alisa and Oli are truly sisters.  Both stubborn sisters. 

"It's because at times like this you always stoop to being vulnerable with her," the statement wasn't exactly what he expects to hear.  He releases a sigh and clenches at the stabbing truth that lingers in the air. 

"Could you not?" 

"Not what exactly?" Alisa chuckles as if she's just put a reverse card on him. 

"Just-" he takes a deep breath and his mask covers him safely again. "Just double the guards around her, and keep a 24/7 surveillance on her," 

"You know that will not keep him away from her," 

"But that would lessen the chances of her getting hurt," 

Alisa laughs again, yet with a hint of sarcasm. "Lessen? Is that all you think of her? Just someone you once met and then just giving them a minimal amount of protection," 

Charles finishes off his tea as if that is the only time he could become a reasonable man. "You know that's not it," 

"But that's what it looks like.  It's an easy solution, Charles!  We will bring her and probably her sidekick to your home or some safe house with a full goddamn protection!" 

"I can't do that," 

"You're a bloody mafia, for goodness sake.  I swear if you say no one more time I'll make you watch the godfather again," she takes a slice of watermelon then shoves it in her mouth. 

Silence immediately surrounds them.  Alisa watches Charles's unsure look.  Charles arranges his tie and sighs. 

"It's not that I don't want to help her," the usual cold expression on his face turns soft and defeated at the same time.

"I don't want to be the sole reason again for taking away her choice and her freedom just because I only know of one way to put her from harm's way," Charles couldn't seem to get himself to look at Alisa.  His eyes remain on the empty cup. 

"You know that wasn't your fault," Alisa's voice becomes soft and comforting. 

Charles doesn't answer at all.  

"Then whose is it? It possibly couldn't be Oli's fault," He laughs sarcastically.  Perhaps, the conversation is already falling into its own destruction.  Alisa seems to notice; hence she stood up. 

"Well all I'm saying is that we should do something about it already.  Meddle if we have to.  I don't want her to get through that same thing again.We both knew she suffered more than whatever you feel like was your fault then," she heads for the door. 

"After all, she's still my sister...and pretty much you also have a good reason why you must do something about this. As in do something about it," At that remark, she leaves the room leaving Charles behind with a dilemma once more. 

Next Chapter (12):

"A Knight in the Dark"

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