Chapter 23: New Member

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"Okay, man. How did you meet him again?" Locke managed to start a simple conversation with Oli. When all things were settled ensuring the two of them are safe, they head over to an old building complex to meet a new member of the group. Oli said so awhile ago since it seems more people are joining forces to drag the demon back to hell.

"Well...long story short, I met him in a casino hotel where all of those in the underworld came to meet. Something like a yearly meeting. I met him when I was...doing a bit of a rebellious thing," Oli replied.

Locke glances over to Oli probably surprised by the fact that Oli gave him a less vague answer about her past. It is only recently he found out that he didn't really know much of what Oli did way before he met her. Their heart-to-heart probably became the one thing that helped him know more of her.

Entering the building complex, there are not many people around. There are old restaurants and stores, but there are no people around.

"Let me make this clear then. He was once a lawyer that handled businesses for mafia organizations. Now, he's a lawyer in a small firm?" Locke spoke as they walked alongside each other.

"Pretty much the gist of it," They turn to an empty hallway.

They continue to walk down the hallway only to see a crowd and a commotion going on. They come closer and stop for a moment seeing a clear view of a small figure man with a fine suit. The crowd surrounded him.

"Is that him?" Locke asked,

"Not sure,"

The man in question seems to hold some sort of towel grip tightly on one end. Oli manages to see who the man is facing and apparently it's some gangster group.

"How many times have I told you not to come back here?" The man answered.

Before Oli even understands what's going on, the man in suit hits the man hard with a wip of the towel. One by one, he manages to knock off the men which she assumes are the bad guys. The man would punch them, or even throw them over his shoulder. In a split second, each man was on the ground.

The crowd standing behind the man cheers at him as he turns to them.

"Yup, that's him," Oli sighs. She waves at the man and comes forward.

The man walks through the crowd walking with such elegance as he comes closer to Oli.  His clothes the finest of all suit, and he wears it with a gentleman like aura.   He fixes his tie and pulls down his lapel dusting off nonexistent dust off his shoulder.   

"Mi amor," The man opens his arms as if waiting for a hug from Oli, but Oli does not comply at all. It's cringing for her to hear that again.

"Still a show off, I see,"

"Gotta show off my uniqueness, mi amor. A lawyer with badass self defense moves? No one sees that everyday,"

Locke stands beside Oli making the man glance up at him.

"I hope this man right here isn't your boyfriend, mi amor. I would be hurt if you chose him over my handsomeness," he said, giving a glance over at Locke again observing Locke's hoodie and jeans.

"Is that your way of saying hello to my beloved friend, Lino?" Oli bickers.

She turns to Locke with a smile. "Lockie, this is my sort of jackass friend, Lino," she smiles more cheekily, but it fades when she turns to Lino.

"Handsome jackass friend," Lino corrected.

"Well, I'm sure you're not just here to say hello after all these years," the crowd behind Lino spreads out and goes back to their respective places.

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