Chapter 7: "The Letter"

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Warning: This chapter contains profanity


While some are busy figuring out a mystery, someone else is busy yelling at someone. In an office located in an infamous bar somewhere, Charles exploded as he stands behind his desk while his men who are lined up with heads bowing down in apology. Well, not literally exploded.

"How stupid are all of you to think of that?" Charles shouted.

"Who's responsible for this?" He raises his voice again. The men are quite hesitant on their part, but one man with a distinct tattoo on his neck steps forward.

"Didn't I say to not cause any trouble with them?"

"We had no choice. They-" The man didn't even get a chance to continue when Charles threw piles of paper at him.

"Are you shitting me right now?" The man doesn't answer.

"Whether they entered our territory or tried to pick a fight, I ordered all of you to let them be," Charles gritted his teeth. There are many reasons why Charles is at its limit of patience. It's not only about disobeying an order. Whatever stupidity they did caused them a big loss.

"We'll bring back the ba-"

"Don't bother," Charles cut off again. Grey who has been on the couch watching them as if it's just a casual Friday smirks.

"Satanas have possessed this man. No more business etiquette. He probably banged his head on the wall and forgot all about it," Grey stands up.

"If you're going to say I told you so I will punch you in the face," Charles finally sits down. He gives the men in line one final look and signals them to leave with a wave of a hand. The men bow and immediately leave the office.

"They have the audacity to take my bar and kill one of my men?" Charles has never been this uncomposed, but Grey has seen this uncomposed side of Charles a few times already.

"So, what's the plan now?" Grey asked.

Charles doesn't answer, but a ring from his phone cuts of his thoughts. He answered immediately.

"Anything wrong?" Charles questioned.

"I'm currently surveilling Oli. Someone's following her,"

Charles's rage has disappeared in a moment. He glances at Grey as if in that swift look Grey knows what's going on.

"That doesn't seem to be a problem. Have the-"

"He's been following Oli for thirty minutes now. I had some of the men distract him or shake him off Oli's tail, but he managed to shake them-" Alisa cut off. On the other line, he could hear fast keyboard typing and a few orders coming from Alisa.

"Shit," Alisa muttered.

"What's going on?"

"I don't think this is some normal freak. He shot one of our men on the leg and the others were left with broken bones," Alisa's voice is beginning to become frantic and uneasy even with the fast typing keyboard sound.

Charles stands up and grabs his blazer.

"Where is she?" Charles signals Grey to come with him as he heads for the door.


Oli isn't exactly on her right mind to be going out at night especially without Locke knowing. Though, ever since she got that letter she felt like reality slapped her on the face again. Was it slapped or stabbed? It was an undistinguishable pain.

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