Chapter 14: Too bad to be true?

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"...I'm sorry, what?" It seems that standing in a hospital hallway with a medical examiner standing in front of her is not the best thing. Along the way, she has come up with different scenarios of what the revelation could lead to. The mother was actually on drugs. The dead person wasn't the victim at all. Those are the possible reasons. However, she does not expect a bomb to drop on her.

Reading the autopsy report is stepping on a minefield and eventually everything explodes into pieces. "You can't be serious, doc?" She looks up to the doctor who seems unfazed by her explosion as it seems.

"Are you questioning the procedure and my competence, detective?"

"That couldn't have been him. Why would the victim suddenly be found there in the open?" Oli turns to Locke. "You said it yourself, the blazer doesn't have the logo as similar as the ones he has,"

"Did the mother identify him already? The clothes or anything? That wouldn't really help, but did she?" Oli looks back at the doctor.

"She checked yesterday," the doctor m answers in a quite monotone or uninterested tone.

"So you checked its hair, nails, fingerprints...everything?"

The doctor sighs and looks away for a moment. "It's already there on the report. If you'll excuse me," the doctor leaves without waiting for any sort of permission from the two detectives. Oli doesn't seem to mind that at all.

She's too focused on reading again and again as if it would change at all by will. Locke looks over and reads the report.

"Let's go," Oli turns before Locke could even manage to read the report itself. Oli walks hurriedly with Locke following her from behind.

With a hurried pace throughout the hospital, they reach Mrs Young's room.

"Oli, wait," Locke supposedly grabs Oli by the arm, but stops midway when the door to Mrs Young's room opens. A man in a full on police uniform steps out. A merit badge clipped on his breast pocket seems to stand out, and a few more that simply indicate the man to be a police chief officer.

Locke, recognizing the man, immediately comes forward from Oli. "Chief Knox," he lightly bows his head.

"Officer Novak," the man spoke.

Oli looks back at Locke and at the man with the whole mustache on and wrinkly skin. It seems that Oli's question is all over her face when the chief officer turns to her.

"You must be the famous detective, Olivia Miller,"

"Just Oli-" Oli quickly looks at the man's whole uniform. "kind, sir"

Chief Knox gives out a low chuckle. "It figures you wouldn't exactly know me, detective Oli. But that's a different matter at hand,"

"I was just here to personally visit Mrs Young and tell her of great news,"

"Great news?" Oli's forehead crunches down. Though, the matter of her initial reaction drawn all over her face is not what to worry about. Looking up at the chief, she seems to feel that something is about to drop on her once more like a bomb. Now, it seems like a good time to take shelter from the bomb, but all she could do is stay put.

"I am just here to tell Mrs Young that the case will be in good hands with Detective Garin,"

"What?" Locke replied for Oli.

Another man in casual clothes, and an ID badge comes into picture. From his push back hair caused by too much gel, Oli gives him an impression of some slacker she once met in college. His shoulders are slacked, and his hands are in his jacket's pockets. His eyes setting on Locke and Oli, he smirks while chewing gum.

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