Chapter 13: Ace Card

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Locke's morning would have been nice if he wasn't up all night worrying where Oli might be.  He has been debating the whole time whether to track her down or not.  Perhaps, he's also debating whether he should face Oli and straightforwardly ask her what's going on.  Something is wrong.  That's a fact he knows he is right about.  

No one knows what time it is.  Though, Locke seems hesitant to get up from bed.  However, no matter what, he still feels a pull to get up. He gets up with quite sleepy eyes.  He stands up and takes a step forward only to trip down on the floor.  

He groans from the impact, but when he turns he finds Oli groaning as well.  Oli is laying on the floor with a blanket covering her. 

"What the- Oli?" 

Oli turns and with drowsy eyes looks at Locke.  A small sweet smile draws on her lips. "Good morning, handsome," 

"Oli? What are you doing here? You have a perfectly made bed in your room," Locke seems shocked at the whole Oli being inside the room, but a sense of relief showers over him as he sees the usual Oli - just someone sleeping on his floor. 

"It's not...comfy," 

"Then use the couch.  This is my room, Oli," 

"Hey, at least I didn't sleep beside you.  I was actually planning to scoot over, but I knew you wouldn't like that so-"

"So by being considerate, you decided to sleep on the floor," Oli smiles at Locke's reply.  Locke stands up with a defeated sigh.  It'll be useless to debate it.  At least one problem was solved.  

"Come on. I'll make some breakfast," Locke heads out of the room following Oli.  

"Should I be asking where you went last night?" Locke's question stops Oli on her tracks.  She watches Locke's calm demeanor as he grabs a few canned foods from the shelf.  Her hand fidgets as of the moment unable to determine whether she was shocked because of the sudden question or rather how he asked.   

"Hmm...I want to say you shouldn't, but on the other hand, I guess there is no harm in telling you," Oli pushes a smile on her lips as she settles on a seat by the island table.  She puts on the biggest brightest expression then suddenly shifts to a guilty one. 

"My dear Lockie...I met with Charles,"  She whimpers the most fake whisper she could ever do.  Locke only frowns and suddenly comes closer to the island table and stands across Oli.  

He leans forward as if trying to see Oli's face.  "Did you actually cry?" He asked.  

"What makes you say that?" Oli said, putting a small smile. 

"You're eyes are all puffy," 

"Really? I watched a dog movie last night.  You know me and dog movies," Oli turns and walks to the refrigerator.  

"Alright," Locke leaves the kitchen for awhile and goes back with hus notebook.  

"I have a gift for you.  Here," he puts his notebook on the table.  Oli talks and takes the notebook opebing it to the last page with written notes.  

"I managed to talk to the victim's brother and the aunt," 

"Aunt?" Oli looks over the notes. 

"Dina Young," 

"What about her?" 

"She probably has something more to give us about the mother," 

"So she wasn't close to her sons at all and even her husband? Oli reads through the notes on the things Dina Young said.

The Victimless CrimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora