Chapter 19: The Whys

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How a person is standing as of the present is the result of numerous events that happened in their life.  It doesn't feel like it, but eventually people change as they go through it.  Change is scary but as they say, it is the one thing that is constant.  No one can know exactly what events made us what we are now.  As long as we step forward, we sometimes bring something from the last that alters our present.  It is the same case for Olivia Miller.  

February 17th 20xx.  Eighteen years ago. Seven years old Oli has always been the same quirky curious individual.  Her love for mystery has always been there.  She rides on to different little gossips and mysteries in her little town together with her dog named "Willy".  Everytime she walks through different places, her dog is always there.  

Though, on the 17th of February, she got to solve what she thinks is the best mystery she ever solved.  The mystery of the missing flowers by Mrs Fiona's porch.

"You're a genius, Willy!" It is only then the day she found out her dog caught up with what she's doing and was able to be of good using his high sense of smell.  

Though, meeting with the culprit wasn't exactly a good part of it all.  In a random house at the end of town, Oli sets foot with Willy to meet with the culprit.  Willy, being the first to find the suspect -Mrs Fiona's husband's mistress- was left to its tragic death after being thrown a rock against its head.

It was Oli's first heartbreak and greatest grief she ever felt as a kid regardless if the suspect was already caught by Mrs Fiona and put justice to Oli and Mrs Fiona. 

November 24 20xx. Ten years ago. Her mother was never the typical kind of person who nagged her about not to do this and that.  She's much more encouraging rather than nagging.  Tue exact replica of Oli.  Her mother was a ball of sunshine.

Every little mystery case Oli finds, her mother is always there.  Perhaps, other than her mother also looking for a thrill, she seems to not want to have another incident as when her daughter is alone with some violent mistress.  Though, her mother would let Oli do all the adventure as long as she sees where she's going.  She always does so even if she works part time at a diner.  She never misses one adventure Oli leads.

"Where are we going, sweetie?" On the day of the 24th of November, Oli asked her mom to come with her to a cemetery to check something.  

"It seems too superstitious to believe that once you touch this grave, you'll eventually meet your end as well," Oli explained to her mom as they walked down the cemetery and to the mystery grave.  

"This town is old, sweetie.  Superstitions are a part of it," Her mom touches the grave that is meant to be cursed.  

Oli, not exactly a superstition suddenly only at a brief moment thought the grave is actually cursed.  On the night of that day, she found her mother bloodless dead on her bed in her own house and her bed.  Leaving her with only her father who is always away, and an empty house.  

Grief came to her like a knife in her heart. 

May 13 20xx. 8 years ago.  She didn't know her.  However, as a woman was placed in front of her all because of her disobedience, her already broken heart even shattered into pieces.  The woman was put at gunpoint all because of a disagreement with her kidnapper. 

With only just one word that came from her mouth, the trigger was pulled then bang! The woman drops dead on the floor.  Blood pooling the floor.  She did not know her, but it was something that would always rip her heart like bones being pulled out of her flesh. 

March 2 20xx. 6 years ago.    A few years after being saved from the misery that she thought would end her life, Charles Bonavich becomes the love of her life.  Then, unexpectedly a mafia becomes her safe house and family.

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