Chapter 5: A Mother's Story

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Finally. What Oli considered as a necessary story has finally come to her footsteps. It took much longer than she expected before they were allowed to talk to the mother of the victim. Her private security must have realized that no other individual can actually fill up her shoes in answering her questions. She is the only person who can put in the necessary puzzles.

Oli and Locke were finally able to enter Mrs Young's hospital room. There's not much to explain what's inside the room. It was a typical kind of a VIP room. It has its own living room, tv, refrigerator, and a comfortable hospital bed.

Mrs Young who one might guest is around her 60's sits down on her hospital bed. Her eyes tell remorse from the eye bugs that draw under her eyes. Her cheeks also show more bones than flesh. Though, despite these tired features, she still managed to look delicate and young for her age. It was most likely a matter of time.

"Mrs Young, I'm Detective Oli and this is Officer Locke," Oli began with a hint of formality in her voice.

"Yes. I know you two. I've heard about your famous cases,", Mrs Young answered.

"Flattered, I must say," Oli chuckles.

"Anyway, thank you for allowing us to ask you a few questions," Locke interrupted before Oli could say more after that out-of-nowhere laugh.

"It has to be done," she replied with a tired smile.

"It won't take long," Locke pulls out his old-fashion tickler and pen then begins to talk.

"Can you tell us what happened that night?"

Mrs Young stays silent for five seconds as if comprehending either the question or the memory.

"It was about twelve o'clock I think that I went down to get a glass of water. Often, when I go down to the kitchen I pass by my son's office," she takes a deep breath as if suppressing an overwhelming feeling that's caving her.

"Well, I saw that the lights from his room are still open so I came to check on him. When I came to check, I...I saw him," the words left her lips after tears fell down from her eyes.

"You saw him dead," Oli said softly but still loud enough for any of them to hear.

"Yes. By the desk...sitting down," Mrs Young nods as she wipes her years off.

"I immediately went to call the police but then as I did all the lights began to flicker,"

"How many times?" Oli interrupted

"I don't know. But the lights shut down for a moment and went back on. I went back to the office and his body vanished...disappeared," Mrs Young covered her face.

"And that was it?" Locke asked politely.

"Yes," Mrs Young got the word out.

"The maids?" Locke asked.

"They were asleep,"

Silence then hits the atmosphere, but Oli breaks it by clearing her throat. She walks closer and grabs the water pitcher and pours water in the glass. She takes that short time to make a quick process of her questions.

She offers the glass to Mrs Young. "So, how would you describe your relationship with your son?"

Mrs Young looks up at her observing her face as she takes the glass. She looks away as she drinks. "I wouldn't say that we have a very close relationship with each other. We have proper conversations from time to time, but he's closer to his father. He talks more to him about plenty of things,"

"Will you describe him as a good son?"

"Oli," Locke warned. Oli looks at him innocently and goes back to Mrs Young. She knows that such a question might not be appropriate; however, she wouldn't exactly be that blunt if she weren't the only person connected to the scene itself. It would have been easier if there were other potential witnesses to the crime or at least connected to it. It's like putting pieces of puzzles that you have no idea what picture is in the first place.

"He is a perfect son to his father," Mrs Young said softly. She shows the faintest smile. Oli knew what that smile was. A smile of defeat yet accepted such a fact.

Oli glances at Locke then back at Mrs Young.

"Magnus Young has a brother, yes?"

"Younger brother, yes,"

"How's their relationship?

"Fine. They get along as normal brothers, I guess,"

"Were there-"

The question was cut off after the door slams open. They all turn to the door. A woman who is probably in her early twenties - wearing a tight blouse with fur covering his shoulders, pencil cut skirt, and a black stocking- enters the room. Her outfit completely says the word 'I'm rich' outloud.

"Auntie!" She runs to Mrs Young's bedside and holds the old woman's frail hands. Oli takes a step back, completely at a loss of words of what actually is happening.

"Detectives," a man's voice calls Oli and Locke. They turn to a man in a common suit which assumes the way he acts is some kind of bodyguard.

"If you are finished, I would politely ask you two to leave. You are free to go back another time if needed, detectives," he said with a short bow.

"But I'm-"

"Thank goodness you are okay, auntie," The woman said in such a dramatic voice. It's more of a dramatic one rather than the sound of actual worry.

"Man, such a drama," Oli whispered to herself. Locke nudges her at the comment.

Oli looks at Locke then turns to the woman observing the woman itself.

"Oli, let's go," Locke said.

Oli doesn't say a word and leaves together with Locke.

"Why don't we eat at some cafe downstairs?" Oli asked with a smile.


"Gut feeling," she said with a much bigger smile.

The woman who made such a dramatic entrance impression on her. It was an entrance that knocked Oli somewhere. A tingling feeling that tells her the woman is important. 

Next Chapter (6): 

"Your Claire De Lune" 

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