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Hanging up my coat on the rack and letting Apollo free, I was already back home. After staying at Corpse's place for two days today was a relaxing day with friends. We will be playing a variety of games and none of us have to worry about streaming. Everyone was really looking forward to this all week long. It's just really nice to hang out with everyone even though we don't see each other face to face and without worrying about what we might say in front of a lot of people.

Slumping on the couch that's when I started to feel a slight headache, waving it off since it's only a little pain and painkillers will do the work.

Standing up made me a little bit more dizzy, walking towards the kitchen I grab a pain killer and swallowed it with a cup of water. Leaning against the counter my eyes got a little blurry

"I might need to drink meds again" Last month when I went to the doctor's office they lowered my prescription and only drink twice a day every other day.

But I might have overworked myself these past few days, even though I have drunk my meds yesterday I went up to my room to grab my meds.

An hour after drinking my meds I was just laying down on my bed my headache has subsided for quite a while now. Maybe I just needed to drink my meds once again due to overwork.

My phone alarmed letting me know I have 10 minutes before 2 pm, so I got out and went to my gaming room. Sitting down on my chair I opened Discord and saw Rae, Abe, Toast, and Wendy on the call already.

"Hiiii Light" Even though Rae always greets me with her hyper voice it's still funny how her voice gets high-pitched.

Greeting everyone and talking with each other as one by one people enter the room. We decided to play Golf just to get a hang of it first before we start streaming and playing it every once in a while.

"Hole in one LETS GOOO" Toast screaming as he successfully did it in one go while the rest of us was having a  hard time.

Getting it the third time, it was funny spectating the others as they have a hard time getting the ball in. I was having a great time but I feel like my headache has gotten worse every time. We have been playing for an hour and a half but maybe after the final hole I might leave already and take a rest.

Another 30 minutes have passed and a new game has started, I was really having a great time so I decided to play one more round. And we even have collision on now so the game has gotten even much better.

"Can someone bump into me please" Cute, that's the only word I can describe the situation as Corpse is begging for someone to bump into him so he could get out of the ditch.

We were crazy, one minute we were laughing so hard then the next some of us will be screaming in frustration. But for me on the other hand I think I might have to end already, there are times that my vision is like getting doubled.

Final hole and I did it in one try and I was still in the lead, who knew I was good at golf welllll maybe virtually but still.

Apollo was scratching on my door so I muted myself well I thought I did and stood up to open the door. Once near the door, it was like my head was being run over by a ton of elephants, holding my head I opened the door to let Apollo out.

"Come on boy, the doors open" I was about to reach him when everything felt so weak.

Slumping onto the floor I could hear Apollo barking but everything was so unclear I don't even know what's true or not.

Everyone was having a great time, no one was worrying about how chat is behaving and if they have said something wrong on camera. Everyone was relaxed, making the group even more closely than ever.

Cheers of congratulations could be heard as the final game has ended and Light has won. 

"Uhm guys I think Light thought she was muted"
"Yup let's just wait"

After that they heard a thud, making everyone look at discord to find out where the sound was coming from. Everyone has a worried expression on their face as they saw that it came from Light's but there was a specific person who got worried the most.

Everyone heard a door shut closed and faint footsteps, everyone was confused and shocked. But not 2 more minutes later footsteps became louder and louder this time it sounded near Light and the dog barking in the distance became quiet. Everyone already had their phones out ready to call the emergency number thinking that someone must have broken into Light's house. When they heard a voice that they were all familiar with.


"Bub come on open those eyes for me"

"Hey hey I'm right here stay calm for me"

"Deep breaths bub okay copy mine"

"Can you stand up?"

"Hey don't force yourself okay, here let me help you up"

" Uhmm, Light is all okay for now guys"

"I uhh we will explain next time when uhm we are ready"

"Thanks for the game"

Everyone was shocked but that completely subsided as realization hit everyone

Corpse and Light know each other and it looks like they are more than friends.

Everyone said their goodbyes and once completely off their computer everyone got their phone to send a quick message to Light.


Thank you guys so much I did not expect to reach 4k + reads.

I made the last part into a third-person point of view it was supposed to be Corpse's POV but I changed my mind so that I could explain the situation more. Hopefully, it has turned out good and understandable.

Thank you for reading everyone, see you when I upload the next chapter.

Take care and stay safe everyone  😊❤

Eccedentesiast (Corpse Husband x OC )Where stories live. Discover now