Date (Pt.2)

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"So where are we going?" Asking Corpse when we are on the road for maybe 20 minutes already.

"It's a surprise but we might be out the whole day"
"Hmmm okay" Looking back at the window enjoying the view outside. I even opened the window a little bit for Apollo to peek his head.

We drove for maybe another 15 minutes when Corpse told me we were near and I had to close my eyes. 

Humming a yes I closed my window first before closing my eyes.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I looked back and was about to open my eyes when Corpse told me not to and he will guide me out of the car.

I heard a car door close and open and I also felt the cold breeze, grabbing my hand Corpse guided me out of the car and placing Apollo's leash on my left hand.

Walking for only a little while we stopped, I could hear people around us but it was not that loud.

"Okay you can now open your eyes" I felt Corpse hands on my shoulders when he said that

Opening my eyes we were on the beach,

"Umm Corpse I think our outfits do not match the beach" I was happy but I could see people giving us weird stares

"Don't you worry we are not going here on the beach, we are just gonna take a walk around here before going to dinner and my surprise to you"

"Dinner? Corpse you know you did not have to. Spending time with you like taking walks is just enough"

"Oh, bub let me spoil you sometimes. And besides, you deserve everything I'm doing for you"

Smiling at him we started to walk, by the boardwalk there are some mini carnival games and Corpse will insist to play them even though we don't need to. By his words, I quote ' I am not a great boyfriend if I don't win you all those prizes'

So now I am carrying 5 stuffed toys while Corpse is carrying three life-size stuffed toys, with people staring at us, some with a look of jealously asking their partners to get them something too and some people look at us with admiration. But both me and Corpse are getting anxious with all the people staring so we decided to head back to the car.

Driving out of the parking lot of the beach it was already 4 pm

"Bub if you want to sleep you may. We still have maybe an hour and a half drive before arriving at dinner."


Feeling a tap on my shoulder and a kiss on my forehead, I opened my eyes. Making me face to face to the most wonderful human being in the entire world.

"Hi beautiful, we are only 5 minutes away so I woke you up already cause I thought you might want to freshen up" Smiling at me as he said so

"Bub, are we eating outside, or do we have to leave Apollo in the car?"

"Don't you worry, I already talked to the place and they do allow pets inside" As he was pulling up to a parking lot

There I noticed that we are at a fancy restaurant and I know this place cost a lot

"Bub, the place looks expensive. You did not have to make a reservation here"
"Let me spoil you bub." Corpse said as he turned off the engine and opened his door, running to my side to open the door for me.

Taking his hand, he holds me tight. I knew both of us were nervous since there will still be a lot of people inside. But with us together I know we will just be fine

Walking towards the entrance of the restaurant, a waiter asked if we made a reservation and in what name. And let me tell you I almost could not keep my laughter in as Corpse told the guy the name of the reservation. 

Eccedentesiast (Corpse Husband x OC )Where stories live. Discover now