4. The one with the Map

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Julianna and Lily were in the common room studying the next morning, Julianna was complaining and Lily was complaining about Julianna's complaining when the boys walked in.

"FIVE THINGS" the boys yelled. Julianna and Lily both held excited smiles to see what the category would be. It's a little game they've been playing since third year and it's the only time Lily can stand James.

"5 things you would say in the bedroom." Peter informed the girls.

"Uhh.... FUCK!" Remus shouted confused.

Everyone laughed at remus's answer as they called out,"One!" Everyone turned to Lily.

"I'm ready." Lily said.

"Two!" Everyone turned to James.

"Where do I put it?" James questioned.

"Three!" Everyone laughed now turning to Sirius.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Sirius said which made Julianna groan in disgust at him.

Everyone laughs and points towards Julianna while calling out,"Four!"

"That's not my name!" She exclaimed in an offended matter which made everyone laugh.


Julianna leaned back on the couch with a sigh,"Let's go to the Black lake." She said looking back at them.

"I can't. I have to study but have fun." Lily said to them.

The boys didn't want to so Julianna had to pull Sirius up from the couch, and after she got Sirius to agree it started a chain reaction, James didn't want them to go alone so he forced Remus to come and then Peter followed because he didn't want to be alone. Julianna dragged Sirius down to the lake by the hand and unlike James he was not complaining. Julianna didn't let go of his hand until the two sat down at the docks. Sirius glanced over at Julianna who gave him a smile.

Julianna laid down and looked at the sky, so Sirius fell backwards onto his back as well,"What are you looking at?"

"The sky." She said dazedly.

James turned to Peter and Remus and acted as though he were going to throw up just looking at them. After a few hours, suddenly Julianna had jumped up to her feet and walked closer to the end of the docks. Sirius had followed suit.

"A sickle for your thoughts?" Sirius asked looking over at Julianna, whom held a beautiful smile.

"Nothing." She said in a sigh.

"Fancy a swim?" He asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh no I can-" She was interuppted by Sirius picking her up bridal style,"So help me Godric Sirius if you-"

She felt a rush of cold surround her like a wet blanket. Julianna pushed herself up from the water and gave him a look of shock. "Sirius you arse." She said with a strained laugh, turning to look at him, he was also in the water. She quickly got out of the water.

Julianna grabbed her hand off of the floor. She looked over at Sirius who was running a hair through his wet hair. Her eyes lingered for a few seconds before looking away.

"Okay. The magic of the Black lake is over. I'm going inside to take a shower." Julianna said before walking away.

Julianna forced herself to walk into the castle,"Ms. Potter!" Julianna turned around to see Professor McGonagall dragging Sirius along by his ear.

She couldn't help and she laughed. How could she not laugh. She had just left him not even three minutes ago and here he is getting dragged by a teacher.

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