8. The one with the Amortentia

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Julianna woke up the next morning to Alice's humming and Marlene's groaning, she looked up slightly to see Alice Brushing Marlene's hair. Lily was on her bed reading her books for the year and glancing up at the other two occasionally.

"Morning Jules." Alice said suddenly looking at her through the mirror.

"Morning Alice." She groaned.

She didn't want to get up just to listen to one of Sirius Black's pick up lines. Although the thought of it made her sigh before throwing her feet of her bed. Julianna sat down infront if the mirror and began curling strands of her hair with her wand.

Lily and the girls were the first to leave the dorm, all of them, including the boys were waiting for Julianna and James. Both for the same reason. Their hair.

"Every year we sit out here and wait for them to finish their hair. Every day it takes over an hour, why do we wait again?" Marlene asks.

"Because Sirius is in love with Jules. Normally he'd be alright with leaving James. But he can't leave her. Physically and emotionally." Remus said reading his book. Sirius had scowled at the boy.

"I am not in love with Annie." He said sternly. "Stop saying that."

At the same times both doors opened. The twins locked eyes before racing down the stairs, eventually Julianna sat on the railing and slid down, beating James.

"You cheated!" He accused her the second his feet touched Level ground.

"Did not! You just weren't smart enough to slide down your railing!" She said pointedly.



"SIRIUS!" both twins yelled at the same time turning to look at the boy as he leaned against the couch with his arms crossed and an amused smile on his face.

"Yes, my loves?" He said to the twins teasingly

"Sirius." Julianna smirked as she walked towards him, she knew what she had to do to get him on her side,"Hi." She muttered quietly.

"Hi." He smiled down at her softly as she grabbed his arm flirtatiously and ran her finger up and down, the boy's eyes widened in shock, he wanted to look down at her hands. He also wanted to kiss her lips. For a second, only a second he wondered how her lips felt against his. Lily and the girls held in the laughter as James stared out her in disbelief and betrayal. He also hated how Remus

"You tied your tie wrong. Don't worry, Darling. I'll fix it for you " She said as she moved to tie it while looking him in the eye.

"This is so hot right now Prongs. I know it's wrong and she's only doing this so I'd side with her but let me tell you. It's working." Sirius said breathlessly as Julianna smiled at him innocently through her lashes,"I'm sorry but she won. Fair and square, mate.."

James pushed Julianna out of the way and began to tie Sirius's tie himself,"Hi Sirius." He flirted which made the girls laugh.

"Bloody hell?"

"I'm just tying your tie innocently. I'm not doing anything else." Sirius glanced over at Julianna who was leaning against Lily as they laughed.

"Stop this or else I'll never side with you on anything again. This is disturbing James." Sirius told him with a pale face.

"Whatever. I'm not going to lose just because J.P has tits." James said before he strutted away leaving an uncomfortable Sirius behind.

Julianna let out a final laugh as she and the girls left the common room, Sirius trailing behind her longingly. Lily was telling Julianna about all the things that they needed to study that day, if they wanted to pass their O.W.L's they needed to study while they can. Julianna had shut down the idea, since it was the full moon that night, and said that she was going to help the boys study because they needed it. Lily was hesitant but eventually agreed. Julianna was right. The boys needed to study. But that wasn't what they were going to do.

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