13. The One With The Bluffing Lessons

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The girls were in the kitchen while making cookies, well Alice and Lily were making cookies. Julianna was sitting on the counter eating the cookie dough.

"Can you believe what a jerk Sirius was being?" Julianna asked the girls.

"Yeah, I know. He can get really competitive." Lily said while making the cookie balls.

"Ha. Ha, ha." Alice laughed sarcastically.

"What?" Lily said offendedly.

"Oh, hello, kettle? This is Lilypot and Julespot. You're Black." Alice said in a rebuttal.

"Please! I am not as bad as Sirius." Lily said defending herself."Julianna yes. Me no."

"Oh, I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident?" Julianna said to the girl while crossing her arm.

"That was not an incident! I-I was gesturing, a-and the plate slipped out of my hand." Lily said before scoffing,"Besides, you and Sirius were late for breakfast because you guys were competing in truth or dare just the other day." Lily said to the girl.

There was a slight knock on the kitchen door which made Julianna quirk an eyebrow.

"OK, look. That is Professor McGonagall. This woman has been playing poker since she was five. You gotta listen to every word she says." Lily said before she opens the door,"Hi!"

"Is the prime minister dead?" McGonagall asked the girls.

"No." Julianna said while scrunching her nose.

"I don't think so." Lily shook her head.

"Why?" Julianna questioned.

"Well, he may be now, because I stabbed him with my wand." Julianna let out a gasp at her professor.

"What?" Lily said shocked.

"Oh my God!" Julianna muttered putting a hand over her mouth.

"Really?" Lily asked her.

"No! That's bluffing. Lesson number one." McGonagall said before she walks into kitchen and nods at Alice,"Let me tell you something... everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap." She turns back to Alice, and smiles,"Nice earrings."

"Thank y..." Alice started to say but then began to think about it.

"Girls, sit down. Let's do it. Ready? All right." She starts dealing out the cards,"We're going to start with a little five-card draw and we'll go into the studs, and the hold-ems. --AH!" Julianna had reached forward to grab her cards but McGonagall had smacked her hand away causing the girl to gasp."Don't ever touch your cards when somebody's dealing."

Alice and Julianna slowly put their hands under the table and sit there watching McGonagall deal the rest of the cards.

"How's Peter? I heard he was in the hospital wing." Lily said remorseful.

"How is he ever? Now he thinks he's a man trapped in a woman's body." McGonagall said.

"Don't you mean he thinks he's a woman trapped in a man's body?" Julianna questioned.

"It should be so simple." McGonagall said to her. The Potter girl pulled away slightly before she grabbed another spoonful of cookie dough.

Lily and Alice were waiting in the boy's dorm for Julianna to come back from her supervised visit to Hogsmeade. Gwenog Jones had brought down the team to meet the girl and see if they liked her.

There was a knock on door and Sirius opens it so that Julianna can enter.

"Hi!" She said cheerfully.

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