Aspen - The Guardian - Star Wars

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Created: November 25, 2017

* Spoilers ahead*

I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with you

And then I realized... you spent the rest of your life with me

I smile because I know you loved me till the day you went away

And will keep loving me...

till the day we're together again

Name: Aspen 

Eye Color: Green (Can change at will)

Hair Color: Red (Can change at will)

Faceclaim: Deborah Ann Woll

Family: Her people don't have families, as they are not born. They are created from the energy of the force and instead they are assigned places within their society. Aspen was assigned to be the second to the queen, someone to provide counsel, support, and if needed give her life. After several centuries, she began to see her charges, the people she was meant to protect as her family.

Age: Can change at Will. As stated above, her people are not born, and are made mainly of energy. They live as long as the family line they are protecting live on. Aspen chooses to constantly shift her age to that of the person she is protecting, as a way to make them more comfortable with her presence, so that she might be more involved then simply a shadow.

 Place of Birth: The name has been lost to time 

Date of Birth: Unknown. 

Place of residence: Where ever her charges are 

Weapon of Choice: Aspen instinctively knows all forms of combat. During her story, she wields two lightsabers which glow white when ignited.

Species: Aspen appears human, but her true form is made of light and energy, allowing her to change form at will. It, like her birthplace, has no name.

Best Friends: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, Padme, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewie, 

Likes: Napping in odd places

Dislikes: glass jars, Hutts, flying 

Special Abilities: Aspen like most of her people, are force sensitive and are able to change their form at will, such as size, height, hair color, and eye color. She can also speak multiple languages. 

Weaknesses: When shrunk, Aspen's strength is reduced and speed to reduced, meaning she can be easily caught

Unique Items:

Two white bladed lightsabers

A blaster 

Love Interests: 


Titles: General Aspen, Jedi Master Aspen, 

From the moment I came into exsistence, I knew my destiny, and I knew my purpose. And then when I met them, everything changed.

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