Mai-Anna -Burning in Darkness - LOTR/TH

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Created: September 14, 2022

The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 

Name: Mai-Anna

Eye Color: Black (Burn with fire when angered)

Hair: Platinum

Family: Sauron (Creator), Gandalf (Chosen Family)

Age: Unknown (Immortal)

Date of Birth: Sometime during the Second Age

Place of Birth: Unknown

Place of Residence:

Weapon of choice: A bow

Species: Child of the Maiar

Best friends: The fellowship, Thorin's Company



Special Abilities:


Other Abilities:



Limited Magic and Sorcery


Unique Items:

Twin elven blades given to her by Gandalf

Love Interests: None

Fate: Spends her days watching all those she knows either sail west or live out their lives. Once their gone, she finds herself amongst the trees where Gandalf first found her and relays her story to Treebeard. Once her story is done, she disappears into the trees, choosing to fade and let the last bit of Sauron's power that rests within her die with her. 


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