Charlotte - Paradox - DW

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*Spoilers Ahead*

Created: February 7, 2022

Somewhere between a thousand lies, there remains an unknown story; an unspoken truth. - Sara Naveed

Name: Charlotte 'Charlie'

Eye Color: Gold (black while powered down)

Hair Color: White

Family: None

Age: Unknown (18 or 19 in appearance)

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Tardis

Place of Residence: Tardis

Weapon of Choice: None

Species: Android, gynoid, or Humanoid Automaton

Best Friends: The companions, The Doctor

Likes: Helping people

Dislikes: Seeing people in pain and not being able to help, Cyberman, Daleks, being treated like she's more machine then person

Special Abilities:

Other Abilities:

Gravity Feet: In areas of low gravity, Charlie can magnetize to a nearby surface, making her herself nearly unmovable by any force

High Oxygen Capacity: Because of Charlie's biology, she doesn't require oxygen

Internal heating and cooling: Charlie can survive in nearly any climate

Built-in translator: Despite the translations already in place by the Tardis, Charlie also possesses her own internal translation system


Fatigue: Charlie runs on a limited supply of time energy, that must be replenished around every 24 hours. Failure to do so, will cause her to shut down until she is rebooted. She has a backup supply, but even this is limited.

Unique Items:

Gravity Feet: Charlie's legs from the knees down are detachable, locked in by two locks on the outside of both her knees they can be removed and reattached with just the turn of these two switches. Because her legs are built this way, Charlie doesn't wear shoes, despite it appearing as if she is wearing large black and belted platform boots a size too big for her feet. When activated a stream of golden energy will appear to filter down her body and into the soles of her feet, holding her to any surface.

 When activated a stream of golden energy will appear to filter down her body and into the soles of her feet, holding her to any surface

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Heart: One of the only organs in Charlie's body, which sets at the center of her chest. Though not as fragile as it looks, Charlie's heart is made of a transparent material akin to glass in appearance, but instead of pumping blood, it pumps golden time energy.

Musical instrument: During the Episode Dalek, Charlie snagged this device off the floor after it was discarded by Statten and is later seen playing it much to the surprise of the Doctor.

Love Interests: None

Fate: Bad Wolf Bootstrap Paradox

Titles: The Girl with the Glass Heart

From darkness, sorrow, and loneliness, I was born, but compassion was what truly gave me life. Compassion and kindness. After all, if you should choose anything, you should always choose to be kind. Right?

Fact: Charlotte wrote Beowolf while waiting through Medievil times for the Doctor.

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