Cassiel Brooks - Four Ribbons - Harry Potter

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Name: Cassiel P. Brooks

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Light Blue

Family: Mary (Mother), Ben (Father)

Age: 11-17

Place of Birth: United Kingdom

Place of Residence: United Kingdom

Patronus: Pine Martin

Boggart: Satan (Very Religious Family)

Best friends: Emrys Riddle, Jackie McNeil, Spencer Levi

House: Slytherin

Species: Muggleborn Wizard

Profession: Dragonologist

Third Year Class Electives: CMC, Divination, Muggle studies

Likes: Dragons

Dislikes: Authority, Malfoy, Voldemort

Weakness: Normal Witch Weaknesses

Unique Items:

Wand from Ollivander's

Hogwarts Slytherin Robe

Magical Ribbon bracelet with moving dragon: Left behind when she left Hogwarts mysteriously

Love Interest: Terence Lentitudo

Fate: Unknown after Goblet of fire

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