When Casey Flirts With You: Raph

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It's the next day and you are watching the guys train in the dojo.

Raph being Raph, he was trying to show off his fighting skills for you.

You smile cuz you know what he's doing.

A few minutes later, a red-head girl and an annoying looking guy walk into the dojo.

"Casey Jones is back!" The guy said.

"Hey, Casey." Raph said, still training.

"H-Hey, April." Donnie said.

She waved.

Donnie waved back and Raph took the opportunity to kick him into the wall.

You try to hold in your laugh.

Casey sits down next to you.

"And who is this, sexy lady?" he asked seductively.

You blush.

"My girlfriend." Raph said.

Raph was now standing right in front of you, fists balled, and glaring at Casey.

Casey suddenly jumps up, with his hands up.

"Sorry, dude, I didn't know." he said.

"It's alright," Raph said putting his arm around you, "but do it again, and you won't have a tough to flirt with."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to April.

"Protective, much?" you ask with a grin.

"Only towards you." he said.

You pecked his lips.

"You're the best." you say.

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