When You're Scared: Leo

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You and Leo were cuddling on the couch in the pit, watching Spaceheroes. You were snuggled into his neck while he gently rubbed your back. You felt so calm. Until...


You jumped and hugged Leo tighter.

A thunderstorm.

He looked at you. "That bothers you?" He asked.

You looked down and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He said.

You looked up at him.


You quickly hugged him again.

"Hey, it's ok." He said, rubbing small circles on your back. "I'm right here, nothing can hurt you."


You started breathing heavier.

"Shhhhhhh, just breathe, baby."

He kissed your forehead. You looked up at him, and he down at you. He slowly leaned towards you and kissed you softly, but also passionately at the same time.


You jumped while kissing him, but Leo pulled you back to him. He pulled away for just far enough to be able to talk. "Just focus on me. Nothing else. Pretend the thunderstorm isn't even happening and focus all your energy on me."

You did as he said.

A few more thunder sounds were heard, but each time you barely heard them, lost in Leo's lips.

After a few minutes, you both pulled away. You felt great.

"Wow, Leo..." You said.

He smiled, and held your hand.


You jumped, but not as much as before. Leo squeezed your hand. You laid down and put your head on his lap, with your head looking up. Leo used the hand he wasn't holding your hand with to gently stroke your hair. It felt so soothing. It was so soothing, that you fell asleep for the rest of the storm. Leo watched you as you slept, thinking that you were so beautiful when you slept.

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