Fake Smiles

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Now the chapter that ends the clffhanger!

Enjoy my little Sandwiches (#DatSAORefrenceDoe )


Kirito pushed the door open to find, Asuna lying down in her hospital bed. With her eyes open. They were watery , as if she had just been crying.

She turned to see Kirito and tears began to stream down her cheeks. It had been so long since she has last seen him!

"Asuna!" Kirito said in a little voice, running to her hospital bed.

asuna wiped her tears and put her hand on his.

"Gomene, Kirito-kun I still won't be allowed to go out for another 2 days," Sighed Asuna.

Kirito squeezed Asuna's hand tighter and sighed. 

"It can't be helped," He said shaking his head slightly.

"Kirito," Nurse Mikami called to him. Tilting her head towrd s the door. "A word,"

Mikami-san and Kirito both exited the room leaving Asuna to rest.

When the door was fully shut the nurse fnally began to talk.

"Listen, Kirito," She started in her lowest voice. "When Asuna woke up, she seemed in a state of trauma, and when we asked her what happened she just broke down into tears."

Kirito looked blankly at the nurse. What did she mean?

"That's not all," she continued. "We think it has something to do with her mum,"

Her mum? He wondered What could've happened?!

"We suggest strongly that you don't bring up this conversation or her mum when near her," Mikami-san whispered before then entering the room again.

Kirito followed.

"Kirito-kun!" Asuna smiled.

Why are all of her smiles fake? What exactly happened?!


Teeeeeheeee My kawaii readers 

I hope dat sorta ends the cliffhanger from The chapter ~ Turn Of Events


I know what your thinking

Why am I being this lazy

welllllllllllllll you seeee

School. IS . The . Answer!

I know it's the weekend tomorrow but I'm tired AF

I wrote this at about midnight yesterday on mah phone and today I had to sort it all out of the laptop.


So this is why I'm posting this at 11:00 pm


Oh and


(I luv mah Kirisuna moments)

Well I'm gonna shut up now. Cuz hlf of this chapter was jsut me talking!

Baii piee

Be prepared for the incoming Looooooooooooong chapteer!


AlizzaTooKawaii <3  (>-.-)> <( I luv u pillow-chan) <(0_0)> <(Should I run now?)

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