The New Beasts

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I shivered in the cold, the freezing air nipping at my nose and ears. I couldn't see much due to the heavy falling snow that made a beautiful, yet terrifying scene. I heard growling around me but the cold was what really tugged my attention. The wind whipped my hair around as I saw lights in the distance.

The growling, wind, everything was completely blocked out as I raced towards the only source of hope I had.  I shouldn't have went so far from the village. I was normally kept safe in a very small cabin behind a much larger house. It hid me well and blocked out the odd noises from outside. I felt like I was going to freeze but then I stumbled upon a gate, the gate to my village. I jumped in excitement as I pushed at the bars. They were frozen. I began crying with exhaustion tugging at my limbs. I passed out in front of the silvery gate.

"Hey wake up!" I hear a faint voice. Light burns my eyes as I slowly wake up. "Where am I?" I ask with a tired fear in my voice. "You're at Luiza's house." A calm female voice tells me. "Who are you?" I ask with a cough. "I'm Luiza, remember? Now you should rest. You were out in the cold all night!" She tucked me in further into the bed I was in.  "How is she?" I hear a much deeper male voice ask from another room. I guess it was her husband. I tried to move but I was to weak, the pains of the night before hitting me like a sack of rocks. The woman returned with water and soup. I drank the water as she helped me sit up. "Oh I only hope that mother Miranda has blessed us with you being healthy.. A lot of folks have been going missing around here.." She mumbled to herself while she checked if I had any wounds. She left once again and returned quickly the pain killers.

"BANG" A loud gunshot and screaming after made me and Luiza whip our heads around. I almost choked on my water as I heard the screams. The bells ringing in the distance didn't help the noise. "What's happening!" I almost scream. "I don't know! May Mother Miranda help us!" She prayed as I sat in bed. I didn't believe that Mother Miranda was good but if I said that I would've been tossed out in the cold, again. Another scream coming from inside the house made me jump. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the door. "AHHH-" The cut off scream of the girl that was being attached. I stumbled back, luckily the creature didn't notice me. I closed the door in my room quietly and beckoned Luiza under the bed. "Come under here! Now!" I whispered in a stern tone.  She quickly scurried under the bed as a large bang made the door shake. Our eyes widened when a human-like figure entered the room. It was around human size but it seemed way more durable than a normal human.

Multiple gum shots were heard as the beast before us fell. We screamed and backed further against the wall. Again I heard the ringing and after a few minutes the gunshots and and screaming calmed down. We walked slowly out of the room. "OH DEAR!" Luiza gasped. I look down and see a mawled and beaten body laying before us. We stumble back, exhaustion and fear sending me into a shock. Luiza seemed to have a same reaction as she fell to my side. "Oh my.." The dead bodies of a few of you dear neighbors laid scattered on the ground. We were afraid to see what it was like outside. Luiza screamed for her husband but there was no return to her call. "We can go look for him." She shot up and I stumbled after.

Tears streamed down our faces as we saw the bodies of our friends. We had no luck looking for her husband though we found a few survivors but we couldn't find her husband. When we returned to the house Luiza and I were tear stained and tired. I was barely breathing and my face was pale. "Lay her down to rest!" Someone ordered as I was swept off my feet and took to a different room than I was I'm before. I passed out right as I hit the bed.

"Another attack..." "Should we go to the castle?" "No I don't think that would do us any good..." I heard the serious conversation while Luiza sat in a chair at the edge of my bed. "What's going on out there?" I tilted my head in confusion. "They're discussing about the recent attacks." I tightly closed my eyes. "How long was I out..?" Luzia looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. "Three days. Your parents were attacked in the time you were out cold..." She mumbled. I felt tears filling my eyes as my hands began to shaked. I was old enough to live on my own but my parents were always a big part of my life. "No! It can't be!" I yelled. Everyone stopped talking. "Is everything ok in there?!" Someone yelled from another room. "Yes!" Luiza yelled back. "You must be quiet! Everyone has been on edge..." She shushed me.

"Everyone we have fixed the radio." I heard some of the people in the dining room cheered. "I must leave! I must call for survivors!" She ran out with excitement. I sat there in shock. My parents were gone and I had no one to lean on. I was close with Luiza before so she gave me mild comfort but that didn't change the fact that my whole life was gone. I wiped my eyes and instantly froze up. There they were. "The bells..." I mumbled in fear. "The bells are ringing again.. No not again.."

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