Chapter 1: Still in denial

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"They so love each other. They just don't know it yet."


Luke's pov

"Can you feel the love tonight?" I sang between Ashton and Michael.

"Luke, seriously. Can you not. Its 8:00 am." Ashton groaned.

"Not until you admit you and Michael haved sucked each others-" Michael placed his hand over my mouth, and I bit it.

"Shiz! That hurt!" Michael whimpered. We walked down the hall, and I was still happy. Mashton could happen! It just had to. My friends knew I shipped Mashton. Soon, there was a breeze, and the smell of perfume hit my nose.

Abigail, or as I liked to call her, the Abibitch. She was a nice girl and all, but way too girly, and she was stopping my ship! My ship is suppose to be sailing, but no! With her around, my ship was sinking! Ugh, fuck her!

"Hey Mikey!" She squealed. That hoe. Stealing my nickname for him. I scrunched up my nose, and then she turned to Ashton grinning, and hugging him. She turned to me, and still had that vile smile.

"Hey Lukie! Nice to see you again! Has Mikey been a good boy?"

"Yeah he has. He'll do anything for Ashton's dick."

"Lucas! Don't say words like that! I have a beautiful girl with me!" Abigail just giggled, and buried her head into his chest.

Ashton was busy texting one of his other friends, and me, watching this horrid sight. I wondered what had happened. Mashton used to be close, but then they just seemed to drift a apart a little. Their love was there, but they couldn't see it yet. Ya get me?

"Time for us to go our separate ways! See y'all at lunch! Come along babe!" Michael said, wrapping his arm around her waist. I literally gagged, and Ashton swatted the back of my head, and dragged me to our pre-algebra class.

Secretly, I was a genius, but hid it well. Everyone thinks I have F's, and that I am a troublemaker, and that's fine with me. We entered class, and Ashton sat beside me. We have two more minutes until class started.

"Five years. You over Mashton yet?"

"You over being straight yet?"

Ashton shook his head, smiling. "I won't ruin your OTP, isn't that what its called? But you have to know, that its not real. Mashton could never happen."

I wrapped my arms around Ashton. "Shh, denial is the first stage. I know. Michael and Abibitch, will break up soon. Just let all the bullshit out, shh child, shhh."

"You are unbelievable."

"You forget sexy."

"Yeah yeah, sexy too."

The bell soon rang, and Mr. Dorty walked in, ready to start the lesson. But my mind was still on Mashton. I needed to focus.

Oh fuck it. Who needs math anyway?





So first chapter! Hope you like it! I am actually going to finish this story! Dedicated to one of my best buddies, who helped me choose this idea! There are many more who did too, and will receive dedication in the chapters ahead!


-Fallingshades oxoxo

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