Chapter 31: And The Drama Continues

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Have you guys liked this book so far? I mean, I just wanna know if you guys have liked it. This book is coming to an end, and my new books are coming. SONG FOR CHAPTER IS: Bad Blood By: Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar.

"Me and Michael are arguing more lately. It got so bad, that... Michael accidentally topped."


Calum's pov

*1 week later*

"Calum wake up! We have intruders! The villains are here! You must come!" Luke screamed in my ear.

I groaned, and nearly fell off the bed.

Luke was only in his boxers.

His cuts were finally healing, but Luke was still depressed.

I wanted the old Luke back.

The one who told those stupid jokes, and was the biggest Mashton shipper ever.

Because this Luke is suicidal, clingy, and sometimes creepy.

"I shall get the knives! To keel them!"

"Luke if you touch those knives, I will bite you."

"That's kinky."

"I know."

"Do you have lots of kinks? Jason always said that when I was older, I would do all his kinks for him. I'd do anything for you Callie."

Luke climbed on top of me.

Since he had been raped, and Jason had messed with his mind, he always thought he needed to pleasure me, or I would hate him.

"Don't reject me Callie! Let me do this for you! Just say the word! Love me!"

He started freaking out again, and I held him in my arms.

Luke returned back to normal, his breaths still rapid, but slowly he was calming down.

He had seizures a lot, and since my dad was a doctor, he always told me what to do, when Luke got like this.

"Shh, Lukey. Stay here ok? I'll be back."

"Don't leave me Calum! What if you leave and never come back?" He asked, his bottom lip trembling.

"You are my little prince. I would never leave you. I need my prince."

Luke nodded, and laid down, but I knew he kept his eyes open.

I threw on some clothes, and went to see who was at the door. Where were my parents? It was a Saturday.

I opened the door, and there Michael and Ashton stood.

"Oh hell no! Out! Wrong house! Bye!" I tried slamming the door, but Michael stopped it.

"Can we just talk Calum? You can't run away from your problems."

"Yes I can. I can call the cops, if you don't leave right fucking now!"

I heard a crash in the kitchen, and saw Luke had smashed some glass, and was trying to cut himself.

I raced towards him, and snatched the shard.

"Baby we talked about this. Nothing sharp."

"But they're back! The evil people! They're back!"

"Calm down. Look at me, not them. Calm down prince."

Luke pushed his face into my chest, and held me tightly.

Michael and Ashton entered my house, and closed the door.

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