Chapter 41: Mr. and Mr. Irwin

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(OMG! Guys! This is the last chapter! And by the title, I think you know what happens in this chapter. This is one of the longest chapters I have ever written. You don't even know. And all the boys are now the ages they are currently in real life. I'm just making it that way don't ask questions. HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THE LAST CHAPTER! ALSO BIG AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END PLZ READ. Also, again, the video is a Mashton video I made. Here's the link just incase it doesn't work:

"We've come a long way, from where we began."

Luke's pov

*1 year later*

(Angail, Mashton and Cake all live in California now)

"Calum! For the love of Larry, put some clothes on!"

"But I'm sexy."

"Yes, yes you are, but my eyes don't realize that, and would really appreciate, if you weren't naked."

I still had my eyes covered.

This was normal for us now, but still.

It made me uncomfortable.

It was nice living in our own house.

Oh yeah....

Me and Calum had bought a house.

Calum had a job, teaching kids how to play the bass.

Angail lived in a huge cabin, and both of them were hair designers.

Ashton was kind of like me, and had on and off jobs.

Currently, he was working at KFC.

Michael worked at a music store.

And me?

Currently, I worked at an adoption center.

I used to work at a daycare, but got fired for cursing.

My boss at my new job, could give less of an f about what we said, as long as we got the job done.

We also had all moved to America.

"Oh fine Luke. If I must."

"Yes. Go!"

"Come shower with me?"

"Calum, every time I do, we end up in some steamy make out session, and then you try and grab my d.ick."

"Please! I will be good!"

"Fine. Have control."

"But you know I have no control!"

I laughed, and got naked.

Calum was behind me, admiring my body.

He got undressed, and I turned on the shower.

I was gonna catch him off guard one day, and do something he wouldn't expect.

We stepped into the shower, and he started washing my body.

He washed my hair, and I leaned back into him.

"You are so cute Luke. God, I love you."

"Everyone loves me."

"There is so much truth in that."

I turned around, and instantly, kissed Calum.

I bit his lower lip, and his hands went to my waist.

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Where stories live. Discover now