Chapter 7: Phone Perverts

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"Invading a person's phone is the worst thing someone could ever do! But being the hypocrite I am, I do it anyway."


Luke's pov

"Okay, just hold on. I had to stuff the phones in my boxers."

I took off my underwear, and reached in grabbing the phones, and scratching my balls. Oops? Calum was looking at me, but looked away quickly. He's acting like he's never seen a naked guy scratching their balls!

"Calvin, what is your sexuality?"


I nodded. That was probably my favorite one right there.

I sat down next to Calum, and we ignored the pounding on the door. Here was the first problem we faced with the phones.

They had passwords.

Michael had a word one, and Ashton numbers.

Calum smirked.

"I got this!"

He grabbed Michael's phone, and typed in Abigail.

"The fuck! Okay, I'm out of ideas already. Fuck this shit, I'm out."

"No you aren't. Keep your Japanese self here!"

Calum sat back down, and crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at me. He could be such a idiot.

After about five minutes, we got locked out temporarily, and we sat there. Then it hit me.

"Calum! How could we be so stupid! The whole reason we are doing this, is because we are Mashton shippers!"

I picked up Ashton's phone, and typed in 1995, and it unlocked. Calum gasped, mouth hanging open.

"Well that was surprising!" I said.

Calum had Michael's phone, and thought for a bit.

"What month was Ashton born in?"


Calum put in July, and the phone unlocked.

We both were completely, shocked. What the fuck! This was a good sign. This was a little bad, invading their privacy, but it was necessary. Michael and Ashton had stopped banging on the door, but not tapping on the window.

Thank god we couldn't see them. I can imagine Michael being red, and Ashton behind him like a little puppy, adjusting his glasses angrily.

"Okay, first lets go to their messages," I said.

They both had IPhones, and the message thing was literally the first one on there.

I clicked the one between the two of them.

Their most recent one was yesterday, at 10:00 pm

Michael: Get yo ass over here

Ashton : Mike, I can't. I'm doing homework

Michael: But I need you!

Ashton: Everyone needs me. I am amazing

Michael: Hey, I don't need another Luke in my life.

Ouch. Well damn.

Ashton: The fwck you need

Ashton: *Fuck

Michael: I have a boner

Ashton: And you tell me why...

Michael: Abigail won't suck me off!!

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