Chapter 3: Skate for your life

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"When Mashton dates, they better not become like Hessa, because I won't be the Liam to their Hessa."


Luke's pov

I smiled as the three of us sat in detention. Michael was sending daggers my way, but I could care less because of a book I was reading. After. Now let me tell you, book one fucked me up so bad. I had to take a break from fanfiction altogether for three months.

Still, I am not ready. As I stared down at my phone, I glanced at Michael and Ashton. They were passing notes. Cute! But, if they ever did fight, I hope they knew not to gone down the Hessa road. If they did, they better put that Hessa in reverse.

We were all on the gym floor, and as I was reading, someone snatched my phone from me. Shit! I was on an after sex scene. The P.E teacher, Mr. Blonk sent me a glare.

"No phones in detention hemmings. Put it away, or I'll make sure it gets sent to the office!"

I cursed under my breath, and threw it in my backpack. I must get out of here soon, or else. This place was killing me.

Turning over to look at my friends, I saw that they were playing rock, paper, scissors. You know how complicated that game is. That game is literally life or death, and you never know when to exactly go.

Watching the two of them could just never be boring to them. Soon I felt someone sitting beside me. I could smell his cologne, and I knew HE was here.

"What's up Hemmings. Still look like a giraffe I see," Kian said.

"Aye Kian, still see that your balls haven't dropped yet."

Ashton placed a hand over his mouth and said "oooo slay"

Michael swatted him in the back of the head with a notebook.

"Kian, move away from Mr. Hemmings. You two together is not a good match," Mr. Blonk said.

Thank god. At least someone understood that. I went back to doodling on my paper, then it was finally time to go. Reaching in my backpack, I grabbed my skateboard, and skated on it across the floor.

Ashton was in the way, so I slammed into him, and he rolled on the floor, his glasses flying off. I leaped off my board, pushing off of Ashton's shoulder, and caught his glasses before they could fall to the floor.

"Saved it!" I screamed.

Ashton shook his head in disbelief and handed me his glasses, looking disappointed. Eh, well with these long legs, I'm bound to be clumsy. Kian shot me a look, then flipped me off before leaving.

"Well Mashton, goodbye! But before I go..." Michael wasn't paying attention so I took his snapback, and I took Ashton's glasses, and hopped on my skateboard.

"Lucas!" They yelled in sync.

You see messing with them both, or one of them resulted in them still working together. So this was a win win.

They grabbed their stuff, and I hopped on my skateboard. There was the door right there.

Michael was gaining on me fast, and Ashton stumbled, because he couldn't see. Michael slowed down, waiting for him, but I burst out the door. My backpack added a few pounds, but I was going down a slope road.

I skated faster, loving the wind in my hair. This was so cool! I soon heard a horn. Shit! I forgot Ashton had a car. One problem. Michael didn't, and Ashton did, but couldn't see shit. He was swerving and wobbling, but could still see me apparently.

I did a sharp turn with the board, but Ashton had already planned for that. We were nearing my house. I placed the snapback on my head, and threw on the glasses. I was almost at my house.

My sister had to be home already, because I saw her car. "Demi! Open the damn door! I have twenty dollars, and don't know who to give it to!" I yelled, as I saw that her window was open. She was down the stairs in seconds, and the door flew open. I did a kick flip up the steps, handed her the money, closed the door, and locked it.

The pounded on the door, and Fiona stood there, glaring at me. She was much taller than me, and was eighteen.

"What did you do? Why are they doing that?"

"Nothing. Mine your business."

"Tomorrow my boyfriend is going to your school, so you better not mess him up. If your friends fuck him up, then consider yourself fucked up too okay?"

I nodded, and bolted up to my room. Michael's snapback was nice, and with Ashton's glasses I looked beautiful. My window soon slid open, and Ashton and Michael fell in. There was a ladder outside the door.

"Nice of you to join me! Wanna play some GTA 5?" I asked.

"You are so lucky I love this game, or I'd beat the shit out of you."

Ashton agreed, and I gave them the controllers.





So I just got a bunch of markers and drew random shit and lines on my arms. Nice right?

Dedicated to bae. You are always on point!!

Always question the Hessa love, but never da Fallingshades love!


-Fallingshades xoxoxo

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