Chapter 21: Fuck this shit I'm out

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(Unedited cause I am a lazy mofo sorry)

Yeah so I haven't updated in a while...... So you guys get a double update today. DON'T JUDGE MEH!!

Luke's pov

Great. Another motherfucking nightmare. I gazed around, and saw Calum. Why was he in my nightmare?

"Hello Lucas. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm leaving you. Leaving you forever."

I gasped. "What do you mean? Callie, don't leave me! I need you!"

"Then why won't you be my boyfriend. I could give you everything. Everything you ever dreamed of."

"Calum! You know I don't date!"

He grabbed my shirt, and shoved me into a wall, that appeared behind me. He started punching and kicking me. I screamed.





I woke up, blinking really fast. Calum was holding me, and touching my face. He had tissues.

"Luke are you ok? You were just peaceful and calm, then you started talking, then shrieking, and crying."

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Just a stupid nightmare."

I touched my stomach. God, no, not again.

"Calum, I need to go to the bathroom." I rushed to my bathroom, and locked the door, puking.

"Luke, let me in. Come on, what was the nightmare about."

I unlocked the door, and sprang into Calum's arms crying even harder.

"Don't leave me. I know, we aren't dating, but you can't leave me. I'm sorry, just don't! please!"

"I won't Luke. Shh, go back to sleep babe okay? I'm gonna go downstairs and talk to Mashton. You need rest. Okay?"

I nodded, and Calum placed his beanie on my head, placing me back in bed, and I clutched the pillow, and was soon asleep again.

Calum's pov

I sighed. What was wrong with my little prince? He just needed some more sleep. I would never leave him, and that's just facts. I ran downstairs, and saw Mashton cuddling.

"Wanna explain yourselves?" I said, folding my arms, and raising an eyebrow. Ashton made a squeaking sound, and fell off the couch.

Demi ran downstairs.

"What the fuck? Luke, get down here! Get your stupid friends out my house!" Demi spat.

"Shut the hell up! Where are you're parents anyway?"

"They left. They said they needed time away from Luke, so they'll be gone for a week. They left me in charge, so get the fuck out of my house!"

"Yeah, suck my ass Demi. Anyway, why were you two cuddling?"

"Eww their gay! Oh no, no gay dudes allowed. Bye."

"Homophobic bitch, come and say that to my face!" Ashton said.

"What did you say dipshit?"

"N-Nothing," He said, biting his lower lip.

Michael rubbed his hand through Ashton's hair. What where those two hiding?

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora