A Lovely Marriage

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People were asking for a special since it's the birth month of Ripples. As you all ask, then should y'all receive. Here's one special, and leave anything else that you guys want in the comments.

Mentions of fluff


Perhaps it was because she had never had the thoughts to spare, as her thoughts were always focused on surviving and spending time with her family, but Athanasia was surprised to be attending such an event. There, where the rose petals were falling, crimson snow settling upon her gown, and the crowds were gathered, clothed in the finest and most luxurious garbs, she walked and walked until she saw the ocean.

Sapphires to sapphires and oceans to oceans, Athanasia's lips curved upwards. She hastened her steps, climbed the stairs, and turned her head with a hand lifted. Lucas choked on his breath for he caught a glimpse of her smile, which was more lovely than a garden of lilies, and he couldn't help but fall in love again.

He took the hand of his most precious friend, his lover, his empress, and now his —

"The ceremony will now begin." Everyone straightened when the emperor spoke, even Lucas and Athanasia, who stood before the altar. And, when those gentle sapphires gazed upon her, filled with pride and overwhelming love,  she couldn't help but bow her head, her own face softening with warmth.

Lucas noticed her expression, her tender smile, and he squeezed her hand gently to remind her of his love. It simply made her heart soar, for she was blanketed by their adoration. It gave her courage to lift her head, a proud smile adorning her face as she gazed upon the altar before them, proof of the event occurring that day.

Two bracelets shone beneath the golden sun, silver and adorned with both rubies and sapphires. When prompted to do so, Athanasia took a deep breath. She stepped closer to the altar, taking the thinner of the two cuffs, the one that was representative of the person with the least influence.

Their hands were clasped between them, fingers intertwined, and she lifted the union of their hands before releasing her grasp on that warmth. However, she didn't let it fall to his side but instead held his fingers with a firm grip. Then, she clasped the band around his wrist, watching as the bracelet gleamed, resizing to fit snugly.

"I bind thy hands, our love and devotion in our fingers intertwined. I bind thy heartbeat, so that yours can beat with mine. I cover thy tender skin, so that we can be wrapped in warmth. I bind thy weapon onto my hand, so that we will protect each other until the very end. I place upon thee my unending claim, Lucas of the Tower, so that thou art mine to have, mine to hold, mine to protect, mine to love. My beloved bonded, I vow to protect thy heart, which is mine own truest treasure. May this bracelet hold witness for my vow to thee, so that thou can hold me accountable when I am led astray."

The bracelet sang, gleaming a little more, until words began to appear upon the thin band, tiny glass letters that spelled out what she had just said. Her eyes misted, her heart ready to burst, until Lucas stepped closer to the altar and held the thicker bracelet too.

There was no air spilling in or out of her lips as she watched him slip the band around her wrists. And, when the band resized, she felt the warmth of his love blanket her arm. Her eyes became mistier with her love for him.

"I bind thy hands, our love and devotion in our fingers intertwined. I bind thy heartbeat, so that yours can beat with mine. I cover thy tender skin, so that we can be wrapped in warmth. I bind thy weapon onto my hand, so that we will protect each other until the very end. I place upon thee my unending claim, Athanasia de Alger Obelia, so that thou art mine to have, mine to hold, mine to protect, mine to love. My beloved bonded, I vow to protect thy heart, which is mine own truest treasure. May this bracelet hold witness for my vow to thee, so that thou can hold me accountable when I am led astray."

The cuff around her wrist gleamed just like his, tiny glass letters gleaming with his words. The sun seemed to shine warmer then, caressing their skin with gentle congratulations. Both couldn't stop the grin from blossoming upon their faces as they stood equally, in front of the altar, facing each other with their hands clasped between them.

"And so we stand witness to your vows today, and may your cuffs stand as a constant reminder for what your love means. May the deities be kind upon your marriage and your life, so that you may live the rest of your time, hand in hand. Seal the vow with a kiss."

The two of them smiled, lifting their cuffed hands. Lucas's right wrist gleamed along with Athanasia's left, and they twisted their hands before hooking their pinkies.

"I vow to thee my everlasting devotion." Their lips touched the edge of their own hand, and their mana rose on their own accord to tie a string between their hooked fingers. When they finally settled down, the two bonded released their own hands, watching as the red and blue strings slowly turned invisible and nearly nonexistent.

"Congratulations, Athanasia and Lucas, for finally being bonded." The audience cheered, and someone tackled Athanasia from behind. She saw that it was her sister, who immediately lifted her cuffed arm. Bright sapphires stared at the silver cuff while her own right wrist gleamed gold, her bonded's own vow spelled out in shining glass. "Congratulations, sister! Oh, and congratulations to you too, Lucas."

"Congratulations, sir Lucas and your highness," a gruff voice said, approaching from behind Jennet. He hugged the brunette with a single-arm, kissing the crown of her head and shaking hands with Lucas. There was Lily and Felix too, both with their own gold cuffs, rushing over with excited smiles on their faces. Athanasia laughed. "No need to be so formal, Elliot."

"I dare not," he shook his head. Lucas clicked his tongue, "it's been years since you've been wed."

"That doesn't mean that I will not show proper respect."
"You're ridiculous."
"I am stubborn, yes."

Lucas laughed at the blunt admission before slapping a hand on Elliot's arm. "Care for a drink?"
"I would not be opposed."

"Enjoy your drink, Lucas," Athanasia remarked, placing a kiss upon his lips before whispering in his ear. "Don't be too drunk, okay? And save some stamina for tonight."

"As if I'd waste my energy in useless activities here when being with you will be more fun." They kissed again before he walked away. Athanasia descended the steps too, accompanied by her gushing sister and her honorary mother. Felix stood behind them three, along with her father. And, as she walked through the crowds, all of whom congratulated her with genuine joy, she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

Later, her thumb grazed the surface of her cuff before grasping it gently, and she closed her eyes. The wind touched her face, gentle and kind.

"Athanasia," somebody called from behind. It was Lily, and only her, clad in a gown the color of dawn. "Lily."

"Are you happy?" The young bride smiled, nodding as she approached her companion. Both of them hugged for a moment, warm despite being under the shade. "Yes, I am."

"I'm glad."
"And you? Lily, are you happy?"

The woman who had once been a maid, who was now the wife of the knight of crimson blood and the official nanny of the imperial palace, laughed. "Yes, I am filled with nothing but joy."

"How about mother? Do you think that she's happy?" Lily paused, and Athanasia hummed. She knew that she was created by Lirafe and Farite, but she hadn't known yet that Diana was the goddess of life. It made her uncertain and, for a moment, she wished that the woman could be alive. The wedding was perfect, but it wouldn't been better if Diana had been there.

"I am certain that your mother is nothing but exhilarated. Your happiness is our happiness, and she is the same."

The princess smiled, burying her face in Lily's chest. Then she inhaled sharply and slowly lifted her head. Nodding, she smiled. "I hope that both her and uncle Anastasius are resting peacefully."

"I'm certain that they are."

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