Balance XV

670 32 2

Mentions of bloodshed, murder, and character death.


White. A blinding white room filled with light. And though she sat on a comfortable couch, Athanasia couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. After all, it was an unfamiliar place, not to mention that she remembered collapsing... she couldn't be dead, right?

In the silence of the odd room, the princess analyzed herself. At least her dress was familiar, she could vaguely remember wearing it. Was it back when she first kissed Lucas? Wasn't that her seventh lifetime? After nine deaths and ten lifetimes, the memories started to blur, as if it wasn't enough that she was losing her emotions too.

"Princess," a soft voice suddenly called, and Athanasia turned her head. A woman stood beside her, decked in white and a few golden ornaments. For a moment, the blonde princess thought that she was dreaming, as she found that the woman looked far too much like Jennet. However, when she met those eyes, a kaleidoscope of vivid colors, it was far too easy to forget about her sister.

"Hello," the blonde greeted, blinking up at the woman. The woman laughed, the chiming of bells, taking her seat and facing the princess. Even when tea cups appeared out of nowhere, one for both of them, bright kaleidoscopes simply stared at the princess. "Is there... something on my face?"

"You've grown a lot." Confused sapphires blinked, and Athanasia was unsure how to respond. First of all, she had no idea who the woman was. And yet, the way that the woman spoke clearly indicated that the brunette knew who Athanasia was. "Yes, I created you after all."

"Created? I don't quite understand, and who are you?" The youngest leaned forward, analyzing her companion with narrowed eyes. The adorable motion simply amused her companion, so another tinkling laugh filled the silence between them.

"When the universe was created, four individuals ruled. Mother Magic and her three children, Derath, Lirafe, and Farite. I am Farite, Goddess of Fate, and it's a pleasure to finally see you again." Athanasia recoiled, remembering the numerous times that she had cursed Fate. However, by the affection in the goddess' eyes, she was evidently not mad. Unless, of course, she did not know. "I did know, and I can't blame you. In a way, I did pave very difficult roads for you. It's just that... it was necessary. You see, there was a lifetime before yours. In this world, the universe existed as it was, with the exception of you."

"What?" Rather than disturbed, the princess was curious. Such a thing happened? Then, how come the others don't remember it? "Because I could not allow them to remember that catastrophe. That vile man, Aethernitas, was so obsessed with your lover that he defied every deity. Tilme, Derath, and I, we were all cheated by him. Cheating one deity is dishonorable, but cheating two of the heirs and heiresses for the great mother is abominable. Soon, the universe's balance began to change, and the mana supply in your universe declined."

"Magic vanished? But everything was centered around magic." Not everyone could use magic, that was for certain, and those that could were revered. It was also why Lucas was practically worshipped by the tower of magicians because it took years to get the basics of magic. For a child to have such mastery? He was more than a genius; he must have been blessed by the fates. However, despite the lack of proper magicians, magic was still used in every corner of Obelia. Hell, it was in every corner of the universe. From the way that ships maneuvered out of the harbors, or the way that lanterns shone, the world ran with magic as its core. "For it to vanish would spell the decline of society itself."

"Yes, you guessed right. So many people struggled by losing their income and becoming impoverished. While the other countries managed, Obelia struggled, more so because the monarchy was incompetent. Anastasius was controlled by Aethernitas and Claude was a cold madman. And, when Jennet was introduced, everything simply declined even further with bloodshed. In the end, Lucas killed everyone and stole their mana, but that left Obelia with no monarch."

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