Balance VII

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Includes mentions of death, being hung or drowned, blood, and past emotional manipulation

"You're back?" The voice came out of the darkness, startling Athanasia to a stumble. Thankfully, her quick reflexes honed by years of dancing stopped her from an embarrassing moment. "Now, can I ask for an explanation?"

Lucas lounged on her bed like it was his own, and his companion found it amusing that it technically was. After all, hadn't he already laid atop that bed more times than he had on the one in his tower? However, while she was giggling to herself, bright rubies regarded her with a frown. He felt a deep dislike for not knowing about what was going on.

Was he not the one that she trusted most? Was he not the one to help her solve most of her problems? "Why now? Why is she keeping secrets from me now?"

"Will you listen to my explanation?" Athanasia whispered, changing her clothes with magic before slipping into her lover's embrace. For a moment, she felt Lucas hesitate, as if he feared that she would fall asleep too early. However, the arms soon embraced her, tight as always, and she felt a sad smile blossom on her face knowing that he feared she would vanish again. "I guess that time cannot heal that particular fear yet. As if I want to lose him anyways. If death didn't exist, I would much prefer that as well. That's why, Anastasius, please have some heart to care for us in the end."

"Always," Lucas whispered in her ear, kissing her hair with trembling lips. Fragile fingers clung tighter to his clothes, and his companion buried herself deeper into his arms. For some reason, that particular embrace felt more intimate than usual. Although they had already done this numerous times, the night felt colder than before, a scent of death clinging to their souls. And, in that moment of winter in spring, her mind wandered back to past nights, back when they were still learning about one another... learning to love and trust.

Was this what she missed after losing one another again and again?

"Lucas... do you remember when you used to toy with my emotions?" The man stiffened, lean arms wrapping tighter around her. The breath that he took for granted caught in his throat, and he wondered if this was what she felt when she drowned or was hung. "Why now? Why ask about that now?"

However, more than anything else, one question burned in his mind. "Do you resent me for that?"

"How can I, when you have loved me more than anyone else?" His lover laughed, her smooth palm rubbing his back. Lucas released his breath, allowing his head to return against hers so that they could meet eyes once again. In a way, the position was awkward; however, they preferred it like that, to sleep while looking in the eyes that they had always loved. If they would die in their sleep, then that was fine. It would be just like when they first died, eyes meeting one another's and bound by life. "It's just... sometimes, I find it amusing. My dad used to hate me, you used to find me as nothing but a toy, and even Jennet had, at one point, regarded me as a source of envy and resentment. The only one that had loved me from the beginning was Lily, and it will be Lily till the very end."

"I love you," Lucas whispered, dark rubies trembling in the dark night. Bright sapphires met his, captivated with the grief in his eyes. Really, how much proof did she need to know that he loved her? When all was said and done, he existed just for her. He existed because he had her. "I know."

"I'm sorry." At that point, Lucas did not even know about what he was apologizing for. He simply felt like it was proper, and tears gathered in his eyes. His princess' hand climbed up to the back of his head, gently pushing their foreheads together again. "There's nothing to apologize for."

"Still, you must have been so lonely back then." The smile grew on Athanasia's face, and she wanted to laugh. However, with the atmosphere that had already joined them, she did not feel it appropriate to let Lucas hear it. "Yes, but how can I ever be lonely again when you're by my side? Especially now that papa and Jennet remember the past, can I ever be lonely again?"

"I won't let it happen," Lucas mumbled, closing his eyes. He couldn't even imagine such a thing happening. If she was lonely again, then would that mean that she did not have him? If she did not have him, then would that not mean that he did not have her as well? "How could I possibly live without her again?"

"As will I." As their eyes stared at one another, lava meeting the ocean again, the air seemed to blur as if they were all that existed. And when their heart beat as one and their breaths seemed to interlace in the air, they smiled at one another and laughed aloud. Is this not what it meant to be in love?

"So, then, how come you brought that up?" Athanasia blinked, soft giggles escaping her lips before her amusement vanished completely. Loving sapphires gleamed, an amused expression replacing the affection that she had towards him. "Who is one man that might hate me?"

Her companion stared at her, partially out of adoration and mostly from astounded confusion. She couldn't possibly. No, she's not insane. She's not that bold nor foolish. "Athy, I swear, if it's who I think it is..."

"Won't it be a sweet reunion between brothers? Oh, and my sister can finally have a father!" Lucas groaned, closing his eyes as if seeking for some divine help. He had thought of it before, but he could not deny it anymore. "It seems that she has grown bolder and bolder."

"Your sister doesn't even want one, much less from that blasted person. Besides, how can you be so sure that he will listen to us?" Athanasia blinked, pulling her head away slightly to see his tired eyes with more clarity. Truthfully, she found the situation quite hilarious. Then again, she had expected him to explode on her, simply out of concern that she would be hurt and out of fear that she would die again. However, although he was evidently unimpressed and exhausted, he did not reject her idea. "Well, I've already met him. In fact, this bracelet is from him."

Molten lava stared at the piece of glimmering gold, taking note of the simple strings of purple before the volcano erupted. A deep anger flooded his blood, and his eyes quickly returned to his beloved sapphires. For a moment, she was surprised. "I don't like it."

"W-what?" Athanasia stammered, pulling her hand back for fear that he would break it. She couldn't understand why he was suddenly so antagonistic. However, just like with Claude and Jennet, Lucas had one prime characteristic in regards to Athanasia- possessiveness.

"How dare he sully your jewelry box with that." Athanasia's jaw fell, and the laugh that she had suppressed escaped with her astonishment. Her companion stared at her, the anger seeping slowly out of his eyes, only to be replaced by surprise when a fist hit his head. "You maniac, don't be so jealous over a simple bracelet! You're already in charge of my dresses and most of my jewelry, Jennet won't allow anybody else to give me hairpieces and sweets, and papa provides me with tea and anything else that I could ever need. Give my uncle some space to spoil me."

"But I can spoil you better than him!" They both knew that he had lost spectacularly, and the whine was already his sign of defeat. Athanasia withheld another laugh, but she settled for kissing his lips. Truly, he could spoil her better than anybody else, "If not with presents, then certainly with love."

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