Final Wedding

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Mentions of being hung, blood, and death

A lot of fluff; I hope that you guys enjoy this last chapter <3


"Your majesty! She had not done it! Her highness adores her sister, and would not have committed such a deed!" Lily's voice carried out to the farthest hall, begging, always begging, before Obelia's sun. And that furious sun could only glance over her, fury raging within his eyes. "Silence. Do you think that I would have made such a mistake? Impudence. From the very beginning, you've always been so impudent. Have her hung."

"Athanasia de Alger Obelia! His majesty states that you are under suspicion of poisoning her highness, Jennet de Alger Obelia! Please step forward to stand in trial!" Lily stepped forward instead. The imperial staff stood behind her with their heads held high. They held pride in protecting their princess, even at the sacrifice of their lives. "Her highness has gone to take a walk. Can you wait for her return?"

"Your highness!" A dead body. Of porcelain skin and golden hair, her eyes closed and arms crossed over her stomach. Athanasia appeared as if she was simply resting, but Lily knew, in the way that her stomach was quivering, that the sleep was more permanent. And the maiden fell, her screams filling the Obelian palace. Her anguish. Her despair. Everything boiled down to anger until she pointed at the emperor, the murderer. "Blessings and glory. What blessings and glory?! Lady Diana was right in choosing your daughter over you, for you have never cared, never given them the love that they deserved. There is no need to pity a man like you. Rather, may you remain miserable. May you continue to remember that anybody who ever loved you died because of you."

"No!" Lily's scream filled the garden, where darkness filled the sky. Rain was falling upon them. But, she could not care. Not when her most precious person was on the ground, blood puddling beneath her, even as she held onto the lover that she had barely learned to love. Lily fell into a sprint. Metal left scabbards, knights protecting their liege, and Lily avoided all of them to push Claude away. Away from the couple resting in peace, their hands intertwined. The emperor fell to the ground. His eyes gazed upon Lily, shocked, and Lily could only shield the couple behind her while emptying her heart. "You kill, and you kill. When will you learn to stop? Lady Diana and the princess, all of them died because of your callous actions. Now, you desire to kill the man that her highness loved, knowing that she never loved you, for you have never been the father that she should have had."

Lily despaired. She pleaded and cried. With it, she died again and again. But, more than anything, Lily loved. She adored a child broken inside, a child who had nothing, was the last remnant of a goddess.

Now, faced with an important decision, she held that child's hand. "Your highness, although it may be impudent of me, I have a request."

"Lily." A child that had never had the chance to be a child. A princess that had to fight for all of her rights. The maiden lifted her hands to hold her nanny's face. Warmth spread across the space between them, and Athanasia smiled. "Whatever it is, I shall do as you desire."

Because Lily had never asked for anything before.

Lily smiled, tears puddling in her eyes. However, they never spilled. Rather, they gleamed within her eyes, turquoise rippling sapphire in the room's dim candlelight. "It would give me joy to have the princess lead my ceremony."

Athanasia paused, breathless. The face that she was holding did not yield, patiently waiting. Always waiting for the child that she considered her daughter. "You would have me wed the two of you?"

"There would be no greater pleasure."
"...if that is what you desire."

Roses and red trees scattered all over the peak, only to spread across the steep decline, flowers the color of blood spilling down the mountain's sides. Lily's dress was a bold red on her wedding day, her hair spilling down her back in a plait. Though a pink-stained veil hid her face, everyone could not help but find her so lovely.

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