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JULY 4, 2028

"They're here! They're here!" Nina squealed, rushing from the window to the front door.

Rebekah was about to scold her for running while pregnant, but remembered their family could very well hear and kept her mouth shut.

"Come in! I missed you guys so much," Nina smiled, throwing her arms around Kol's middle and squeezing him before doing the same to Davina.

Kol, not expecting the action, furrowed his eyebrows and looked towards his sister, who in return shrugged. Davina, on the other hand, returned the bright smile and hugged Nina back just as enthusiastically.

"Everyone should arrive shortly. Love, why don't you show them around the house?"

Rebekah nodded, catching Nina's subtle message. While in her third month of pregnancy, the human had started to get even more symptoms. She was lucky for not having them at first, but now they were catching up to her. All the excitement she felt was crashing down and she was beginning to feel lightheaded, nausea slowly creeping in as well.

While Nina went to the bathroom to collect herself, Rebekah began the tour.

"So, is Marcel really bringing his lover? It's about time he found someone. I thought he'd never get over you," Kol spoke, eyeing the pictures on the wall as they passed by.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me anything," Davina sighed, "I used to talk to him about you! I still do sometimes."

"You talked smack to Marcel about me?"

"If I had to put up with you everyday, I would as well," Rebekah scoffed, leading them towards the backyard.

As soon as the three stepped outside, Lexie and Nik began barking, running over to the group. Davina giggled as they jumped on her and Kol, the witch eventually bending down so she could pet them better.

"How do you find these creatures adorable?"

"Nina wanted them; and when Nina's happy I'm happy."

As if Rebekah summoned her, the human came outside with Nathaniel, the vampire holding a gift in his hands.

"Should I ask what's in the box?" Kol raised an eyebrow, folding his arms infront of his chest.

"No, and even if you did, I wouldn't tell you."

Nina wasn't sure, but she could have sworn she heard Kol mumble 'asshole'. With her hormones all over the place, Nina couldn't stop smiling and was practically bouncing with happiness. She couldn't wait for everyone to get here so they could finally tell them the news.

While Rebekah took the gift from his hands, Nina linked her arm with Nathaniel's and lead them over to her garden.


"You wanna know about Rosie, don't you?"

Nina smiled sheepishly, "You told me a bit over the phone, but I'm really invested in your love life now."

"When you told me to go talk to her two months ago, I decided to do it. I think it was the first time in my life I was nervous. I mean, it had been months since I saw her and I thought she would've forgotten about me. Anyways, I went to this bookshop she works at—"

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