The present

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I was at my desk doing paper work when a knocked disturbed me.

"Come in"

A grey skinned male barain came in, well, the nerdy grey skinned barain

"Dumon? What brings you here?"
"Can't I see my queen? Or should I say my besto frinedo?"

You laugh a bit and so does dumon

"I can't believe you still laugh at that, ever since we were kids"

Dumon came up by you and stood by your side.

"Well- it's the way you say it that makes it funny, dumon"

Dumon seemed proud to make you laugh, since you were always busy you barely had any time to do something fun or even laugh for that matter.

"So, like I said what brings you here?"
"Oh!- Well as usually the barians are having dinner and just talking to one another soon, so I figured you might want to come. If!- you don't have any paper work or if it's your choice-"

I hesitated and look at the few stacks of papers on my desk.

"Sure! I'll come"
"Really!?- Thats gonna be great!! That means you can meet all the other barians well- other than vector- but still!"

I laughed slightly at that.

"Hey- what's wrong with vector? I get he's a prankster but he's still our friend dumon!"

Dumon rolled his eyes and chuckled

"Yeah, yeah, I know"

A few hours passed and I had finally finished the paper work on my desk and I neatly stacked them in order.

"Looks like I'm done! Now shall we go, my knight in shining armor?"

Dumon looked at me a bit surprised when I refer to him like that.

"I- yes. Let's go my queen."

We both wall through the halls. I turned around to dumon basically walking backwards now.

"So- who'll be at this dinner?"

Dumon seemed a bit worried that I would hit something or bump into someone.

"I- you sure you should be doing that b/n ( barain name ), what if you bump into something?- or someone?!"

I chuckled a bit.

"I'll be fine, dumon, you worry too much"

I turned around so dumon wouldn't worry about me. We both made it to the dinning hall doors, as I opened them I saw vector, white, yellow, red, and green male barians.


Vector turns to see me coming towards him.


Vector and I go to one another and I hug him, vector surprised by my actions hugged me back.

"Where have you been!?"

Vector seemed a bit worried but not that much.

"I've been doing work, you know how it is as a queen!?"

I sigh in exhaustion and frustration.

"Heh, must be very tiring huh?"

Vector chuckles a bit, I and him pull away realizing, we were still hugging each other, that's when the yellow male barain came over, he looked familiar and that's when I realized it was the dragon tamer, I bowed in respect and it seems he flinched at my actions.

"Uhm... Y-you don't have to bow-"
"B/n, my names b/n"

I said as I rose up.

"O-oh- well hello b/n, I am mizar, I am the dragon tamer leader"

He said as he bowed back to me. I lifted his head up to look at me and I smiled. He then rose up fully.

"It's nice to meet you mizar!"

Dumon and vector backed away in fear.

"Why is she being nice dumon?..-"
"I can't tell ya- Shes never been nice to someone she's just met!-"

I saw that they had backed away and turned to them.

"Really guys?- youre that scared of me?"

Dumon and vector stiffened and nodded slightly. I smiled and laughed a bit. I looked over to my left as saw a red male barian come over.

"Uhm- h-hello!"

Vector hit the back of the red males head.

"Ow!- What was that for!?"
"Bow you idiot!- Shes the queen! Of us!"

His eyes widened as he frantically bowed at you

"I-I'm sorry my queen!- I had no idea!!"

I chuckled at his actions and he looked up confused

"It's alright, mister warrior, not everyone knows I'm the queen, so it's fine!"

Vector and dumon backed away even more but before they could I grabbed them and pulled them towards me.

"Stop being so scared, guys-"

Dumon and vector looked at one another and calmed down a bit. I walked away as the other barians were talking. I went to the throne and sat down. The dinning room went silent.

"You think this is a good idea b/n? I mean- what if nasch comes in!?"

Vector seemed worried.

"Calm down, I'll be fine"

The other barians talked to each other while you talked to dumon and vector, suddenly the dinning hall doors open and standing there was...
Cliff hanger- although I'm sure you can guess who it is-

Hey, if you're reading this again, or you're new, I have rewritten this so it sounds or like looks better! So yeah! If it's different here and there it's a work in progress lol :)

The barian queen and the leader( Nasch (Shark) x reader )Where stories live. Discover now