The number hunter

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It's been a couple of days, you still couldn't get back to barain world. Rio and shark were very suspicious of you since you acted a lot like their queen, but I mean- you are their queen so- but other than that, mizar tried to help you get back too but every time he opened a portal you couldn't go through it. Was there something or someone stopping you? Is there something you have to do here in the human world to go back home? There were so many possibilities but the one that made the most sense was solving a problem you had here in order to go home.. the question is... what's the problem? You had many thoughts going through your mind when Yuma nudge you it ended your train of thought "B/n! Cmon, there's a number!" You looked at Yuma and he dragged you with him, suddenly everyone stopped moving and there was a whistle in the silence, you looked up to see a person with yellow and greenish blue hair. Who was he? And why is he not frozen? Most importantly why aren't you and Yuma frozen!? "You possess a number, and I'm going to be taking that number" The yellow haired teen was talking to the thug, the teen seemed a bit off, you and Yuma made it to the top when the duel ended "What happened to him!?" You looked at what happened to the thug, it was like his life was drained from his body. "... His soul has been stolen.." Yuma looked at you in surprise and the yellow haired teen stopped in his tracks "And how would you know that?" You looked up to see the yellow haired teen was still there, looking at you and Yuma. "Hey! Give him back his soul!!" Yuma was angry but the number hunter didn't listen "I don't think I will~" He seemed liked he knew Yuma could never beat him in a duel. The number hunter then left you and Yuma there and everyone started moving again. At that moment you realized.. He could be the problem that you can't go home, but why him? What's so special about him? You never met him before- right? You were thinking about it for most of the time when Shark pulled you from the others "Hey- You alright?" Was he actually showing emotions to you? Even if he doesn't know it's you? You looked away from him and slightly nodded, he cupped your face and pulled it to his "Is my queen overwhelmed?" You felt blush come on your face and looked away from him "No! Stupid leader!" Shark chuckled and let your face go, his hands interwind with yours and he brought you back to the others. Rio noticed that you two were holding hands and smirked, luckily she didn't say anything. Later at night that day, you, Yuma and Tori were walking when everyone and everything froze, that's when you both heard the whistle and knew who it was "Who even are you!?" You wanted to know since he was the problem anyways "Heh, I'm katio, the number hunter, I simply hunt numbers, and I want both of your numbers" Your eyes widened, you activated your (f/c) duel disk so did Yuma, your eye changed to (f/c) and Yuma activated his duel gazer, katio then turned into his photon form. "Let's duel!" "I'll go first! I draw, I first place a card faced down and then i place gogogo golem in defense mode! With that I end my turn" Yuma already had a monster on his field "It's my turn now, I draw!" Katio had already summoned a number, and it was only the first turn! (I'm sorry, I forgot what monsters he used-) "My turn! I draw, I first summon, night guard slither! With that I can summon another night guard slither. Now I overlay both of my night guard slithers!! Come out number 120! Galaxy eyes nightmare dragon!" (A/n- Galaxy eyes nightmare dragon: atk 3500 def 4000, overlay unit let's it destroy its self or any teammates monster and double the attack points) Katio eyes widened and so did Yuma and astral "A number over 100!?" Astral was confused and so was Yuma. "So you also posses a galaxy eyes." "Yes, I do.." Surprisingly none of the other barians knew, even mizar didn't know you had a galaxy eyes, let alone duel! "Alright my turn I draw! I summon gagaga magician in attack mode! Next I overlay my two monsters and I build the overlay network! Come out number 39 Utopia!" Katio smirked but it soon ended when you all saw haruto, he was in pain and calling out to katio, soon enough katio ended the duel and left you and Yuma standing there. "Well at least we didn't need to duel him.. he seems very powerful with his galaxy eyes.." Yuma nodded in response and Yuma went home, you were sitting on a bench at the beach staring into the ocean 'What am I going to do? Who knows how powerful he is with his galaxy eyes' You felt something on your lap and you looked down to see nightmare dragon laying there wanting a belly rub, you laughed a bit and gave it a belly rub. Soon after a bit mizar had noticed you and came over and sat next to you, he lightly held your hand and that made you flinch "Gah-! Geez mizael! I told you don't do that!" Mizar chuckled a bit "Sorry, it's just your reaction is so cute" You rolled your eyes and petted nightmare dragon "Is- is that yours?" You looked at mizar and nodded slightly "Yeah..-" A second later nightmare dragon roared and so did tachyon, baby tachyon dragon and nightmare dragon chased one another, you laughed a bit and you and mizar watched them. "I think I know why I can't go home, mizael.." Mizar looked at you "What is it?" "Katio.. the number hunter.. I think I need to become his friend and stop his ways of stealing peoples souls" Mizars eyes widened and he looked back at the two dragons.

The barian queen and the leader( Nasch (Shark) x reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz