The commoner

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You raised up from bowing and everyone but dumon and Don stared at you in shock "Thank you b/n for welcoming me." You nod at Don "y/n! Get away from him he's a powerful entity that could kill you!!" You turn to vector your face was dark "You may not speak that way towards Don thousand.. you barain.." Everyone continued to stare at you until a knock came at your door, you went towards it and opened it to see a red haired commoner with a black and red dress.. it was kate.. "Kate! Welcome!" Kate looked at don and bowed "Hello master.." "master!? Wait!! Did you summon him!?" Kate looks at nasch and she turned red "Oh my love!~ Of course I summoned him!! It was for you honestly!" Kate went towards nasch she stared into his ocean and crimson eyes that met her blood red ones "Why cant you just see how much I love you? Even in the past I loved you!" Nasch scoffed "As if you loved me! You just wanted to become queen back then." Kate was hurt that nasch didn't believe her, Kate kissed nasch and nasch immediately pushed her away "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?" You look at nasch and Kate and you came back to reality "Kate!?- What are you do-" before you could finish Don sent a sword like mist through your chest "Sorry y/n! But you can't compete with a commoner and a powerful entity~" You fell to your knees and Don took the mist out of your chest "Y-you bastard.." Your vision went blurry and all you could see was a figure running towards you.. soon enough.. it was over...

It's been 5 months.. 5 whole months since the incident.. did everyone forget you?.. or did they give up on their queen? You slowly opened your eyes and you looked around to see that you were in a hospital room. You looked to your right to see flowers and a notecard ~Hey y/n! It's nasch, I just wanted to tell you that things aren't going so good over here.. Don and the commoner have taken over.. but don't worry! We'll get rid of them soon! I really do miss you.. Also! If you ever do see this I have a surprise for you when you come back! Love nasch~ '... Don and.. Kate took over..? How long have I been out for?' You pick up the flowers and notice nasch got your favorite! 'Heh.. stupid octopus..' You get up from your hospital bed and hold onto the bar 'Damn.. guess my body isn't use to moving..' You hold onto the wall while you change when you were done you opened the door and went down to the lobby "Hey.. may I dock out?" The lady looks at you and nods "Sure hun! One second please." You nod, after a minute or two you left the hospital to be welcomed by the warm sun with a slight breeze 'It's so lovely out.. to bad I can't stay long..' You start walking and end up at the park in front of heartland tower "Where is everyone?" You look around to see that there wasn't anyone near.. you continue to walk and end up at heartland tower 'Maybe katio is here..' You bang on the door to be welcomed by dextra "And who are you?" "O-oh! You must be dextra! I'm y/n- Katios friend!" Dextra looks at you and closes the door "H-hey! Let me see katio and haruto!" This time nistro opened the door "Nistro! Close the door!" Dextra came back "Wait! Let me see katio! Please!!" Nistro and dextra looked at you and closed the door again "Damn it!.." You look around for another entrance but didn't find any.. 'How am I suppose to get in?' You turn around and go back to the park "Look at who we have here~" Before you could turn around to see who it was they had already knocked you out.. cold..

The barian queen and the leader( Nasch (Shark) x reader )Where stories live. Discover now