Welcome.. Don

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You held your chest as you felt pain from Don thousand "Don thousand!? He's here!?" You look at Alito and nod he turns to mizar "Get the others! Don't just stand there!!" Mizar immediately nodded and ran to get the others "It's ok y/n- I'm here I won't let him hurt you.." you look at Alito and lay your head on his chest "He's.. near.." Alitos eyes widen a bit "He is!? Already!?-" Alito picks you up and takes you to your desk and puts you under it "Just stay here ok?" You nod, Alito gave you his jacket so you wouldn't be cold and he went to your door and opened it, at the end of the hallway was nasch "Nasch! In here!" Nasch looked at Alito and went towards him "Where is she?!" Alito moved out of the way and nasch came into your office "Y/n!!!?" You put you hand up from under your desk and nasch comes over to you. "Y/n.. are you ok?.." You look at nasch and pull him towards you "C-cold.." Nasch looks at you and puts his cape around you and you lay your head on his chest "Dont worry.. me and Alito will protect you alright?" You slightly nod when suddenly you felt a quick pain in your chest "GAAAAH" Nasch and Alitos eyes widen "Y/n!?" Nasch held you closer to him "I got you.. Just calm down." You calm down a bit. "The others are here! Except.. dumon?-" The others look for you until Vector found you and nasch under your desk "They're over here!" The others came to you "Are you alright!?" You nod at them "Has she just been nodding nasch..?" "Yeah.. it seems thats all she can do only since Don is a powerful being.. He must be draining her energy somehow.." It was a few minutes of you screaming in pain and everyone trying their best to calm you down, suddenly there was a knock at the door.. it was dumon.. but he was-.. different.. "Dumon? Whyd you come so late?" Before dumon could answer a mist of black smoke appeared and with that you felt another sharp pain in your chest "AAAAAAAHHHH" "Y/n!!- It's alright! Calm down please!!" Nasch held you close to him and you did the same "Dumon! Get rid of him already!!" "You think he can get rid of me!? Pfffft- pathetic! This barain can't do anything! The only one that can get rid of me is the one who summoned me!! But obviously you don't know who it is- It couldve been any of you~ you just transferred me to this barain instead~" Vectors eyes widened "Dumon didn't summon him.. Someone else did.. WHO SUMMONED DON!?" You felt another sharp pain and instead of screaming you crawled from under the desk and stood up, you walked towards Don and dumon and bowed "Welcome.. Don.."

The barian queen and the leader( Nasch (Shark) x reader )Where stories live. Discover now