Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Doncaster

{Abbie's POV}

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

The sound of Charlie's alarm woke me up. I lifted my self off of the bed and turned it off, i rubbed my eyes and sat up on the bed.

I rethought the things that had happened yesterday, the boys know my secret.

To be honest I feel pretty glad to get that weight off my chest, we kinda got more closer now that they know my secret. I feel really bad not telling Niall about it but i figured its the best not to tell him.

I also remembered that Louis was going to be my tour guide around Doncaster today.

I got up from my bed and passed an sleepily sound Charlie, I grabbed my phone.

Once i grabbed it the screen lit up and Niall's name flashed on it.

It was a text:

Niall: Hey love! Are you awake yet? Louis and I are coming to get you in about 15 minutes so hurry and get ready! (: xx

I looked at the time and saw i had 10 minutes. I quickly grabbed my clothes knowing there was no time for a shower.

I grabbed some simple blue skinny jeans, a black tanktop that was a little loose from the bottom and my white converse. I quickly straightened my hair and put mascara on. I looked at the time once again and only had 1 minute left. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Niall saying they were outside.

I went downstairs and out the door, I saw a black car waiting outside the gate. Niall came out of the car once i reached it, he quickly kissed my lips and opened the door for me.

"Hey love!" Louis yelled once i got in.

"Hey, so where are we heading to first?" i asked. "Louis said hes gonna show us around downtown, then were gonna stop by some football stadiums, if its ok with you? Then finally Eleanors gonna meet us at the beach" Niall replied in his cute irish accent.

"Sounds great! I love football, um, may i ask, whos Eleanor?" I asked curiously.

"Shes my girlfriend, trust me, you'll be bestfriends in no time" Louis said reassuringly.

I nodded and enjoyed the ride. Once we reached downtown Niall opened the door for me and i got out. "Why thank you gentelman" i playfully told him.

"Your welcome my princess" He said lovingly. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards Louis, "OK! This is downtown, theres many stores here, many places to eat and many hot girls, but me and Niall cant hit up on any since we have girlfriends, so hot girls are out of the tour!" Louis said pointing to Niall.

I giggled into Nialls chest and he kissed my forehead.


We walked around downtown for about two hours, and we got hungry. We waited in line at a sandwich shop, we all made small talk with eachother.

"Ill be back, im going to the loo" Niall said and quickly ran to the reastroom leaving me and Louis to wait.

"So, Princess"

"Just call me Abbie" I said.

"Abbie, are you liking Doncaster so far?" he asked

"I love it Louis! Thanks for showing me around"

"He really likes you Abbie, ive never seen him this in love with someone"

I blushed at the thought.

"Soo? Princess huh?"

"Oh shut it Louis! Before someone hears!"

"Sorry. But may I ask, why are you here? And not with the Royal family?"

"I'd love to tell you, but it's quite a long story. Maybe ill tell you when we're not around this many people" I said. He looked around and nodded.

"Ok, deal" he replied. "And when are you planning on telling Niall?" I looked at him unreassuring.

"I don't know? I don't think I ever want to tell him"

"And why is that?"

"Because, what If I tell him, an he makes me go back home? And we'll be forbidden to see eachother again! What if I have to marry someone else?! I don't want to marry a stranger?!! I just want to be with Niall!!" I started freaking out at the thought.

"Hey! Hey! It's alright. I didn't mean for you to get that freaked out love"

And I know he didn't, he didn't think if get freaked out. Is that how much in scared of losing Niall? Just then he joined us back in line and grabbed my hand.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked. I turned to Louis and we just smiled at eachother and I said

"Nope. Me and Louis were just talking about how we met"

"Haha! The cheesy pick up line?"

"Yup" we said laughing. Niall ordered, me and Louis just laughed. It was good to know someone didn't mind a Princess being around, and for sure didn't treat me like one.


"Those stadiums were huge!!!" I said as we walked out of one of the football stadiums. "So. BEACH TIME!!!" Louis said dancing around like a 10 year old girl. We got into Louis' car and drove off to the beach. But little did I know there was a little surprise in store for me...


OH MY GOSH!!! I'm soo happy to be writing this fanfic again! I missed you all soo much and I missed writing this fanfic :( LOTS OF DRAMA IN STORE!! Please keep telling people about my fanfic! And please read the others if you get the chance. Now that softball season is over ill be able to be on more :D please Read, Vote, Fan, And Comment!! <3 Love you all so much!

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