Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Escape

.:Abbie's POV:.

~1 Week Later~

I had my plan carefully thought through, keeping it a secret and trying my best to not tell anyone. I planned to leave tonight.

Father, Mother, and Nana are at a charity event that will last the whole day. Everyone in London will be going, but I won't. I insisted that I was feeling a bit under the weather, my mother and father never care so they let me stay.

Once they left the castle grounds I quickly dyed my hair to a beautiful dark red.

To change up my appearance.

Then I packed some clothes an old friend of mine bought for me for my life on the run. Some skinny jeans, converse, and t-shirts. Also some shades.

I took some money from my dad, he won't mind. Then I decided to write a letter to everyone, just to show that I wasn't kidnapped of anything.

Note: "Hello, it is I, Princess Abbie. No, I have not been kidnapped. I just simply ran away.

Mother & Father, you were never parents to me, you never took care of me, you never saw my first steps nor my first lost tooth. Johnson & Nana were there for me for everything. At times I thought and wished they were my parents.

Johnson, I know how much you miss your son. William, was it? The sweetest 6 year old boy ever! And you never get to see him because you work here too many hours!! Just to get money to support him. You were like a father to me, so I kind of know what he feels like when your not there. So with that, your retiring early. By order of me, the Princess, I leave you with $700,000 and giving you back the time you missed with William. I'm defiantly going to miss you Johnson. I'll always remember you.

Nana, I'm going to miss you the most! I know you say being a Princess is a blessing, but I just couldn't take it anymore!! I really hope you understand Nana, maybe I'll call you from time to time and talk about my day like we always do. Thank you for making me the strong, independent woman I am today.

I won't be telling you where I'm going, nor where I'll be staying. I love you all, and don't worry about me. -

Lots of Love, Abbie"

It was already nighttime, time for my escape.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and gently placed the letter on top of my pillow. I quietly went downstairs, because Johnson was still there.

I looked for my dad's desk and went to grab the money I hid under it.

I looked for it but I felt nothing? Where did it go?!

Just then I heard noises behind me, I turned around and saw Nana standing there, with the money in her hands.

I looked at her scared of what she might say.

She walked towards me and handed me the money. Then she whispered "Your gonna need this"

"Thank you Nana" she kissed me on my forehead.

"I understand why your doing this. Have fun exploring the world, remember call me whenever you can love" she said.

"I will Nana, I will" then she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you, and please be safe out there baby. Im gonna miss you" she let go and I walked towards the door.

As I opened the door she stopped me.


She turned me around and put a necklace around my neck. It had a beautiful silver key on it. I admired it and she said "Just in case you ever want to come back home"

I kissed her and hugged her one last time, then I left for good.

I quickly walked to the front then ducked behind some bushes, knowing the Guards might spot me.

Once it was clear I ran to the gates. Took one last look at the big beautiful castle, then I




Sorry! It's a little short but trust me it'll get better! :D Thank you all for your votes, fans, and lovely comments <3 What will happen to Abbie? Where's Niall? What will her parents think of this??

Please keep



And reading!!

Thank you lovelies! I couldn't of asked for better fans!! <3

<3 Stay BeaUtiful <3 -Kassie xx

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