Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: You again

I was all over the news.

News Reporter: "Breaking News. 'Runaway Princess' is what she is being labeled now. Princess Abigail, Princess of London has disappeared from her London Castle. It is stated by the King & Queen that she ranaway Saturday night and is on the run. SWAT teams, and London Police have gone searching for the missing Princess but haven't yet spotted her. Police are saying if you have any information of where the Princess might be, to contact them immediately. Back to you Lou."


At least my parents had the decency to try to look for me.

Looks like I'll have to be more carful with anything I do or anywhere I go.

.:Niall's POV:.

We got back to Louis house where we've been staying for the past week while were on vacation. I had her on my mind.

Gosh Abbie. Just saying her name made my heart skip a beat.

"Looks like Nialler found himself a girl!" Harry yelled.

"Ya! What did happen back there?" Zayn asked.

"I told her a cheesy pick up line, she laughed, we talked, she gave me her number"

"Wow. Niall? You really like her don't you?" Louis said.

"I've never seen you this way with a girl, not even with Lily?!!" Liam shouted.

"Lads. She's different. Abbie, she's not like the others. Something's different about her that just makes me love her even more every time I mention her name"

"Well we'd love to meet her some day Niall" Zayn said.

"How does tomorrow sound?" I asked. "I have a date with her tomorrow, then afterwards, I can bring her to meet you guys?"

They all nodded in agreement. I fell asleep knowing tomorrow will be a great day.

.:Abbie's POV:.

I woke up the next morning in my hotel bed. Remembering what had happened yesterday was the best. Niall... he was different, way different than those snotty rich, famous boys who just wanted me for my money. He made me feel... butterflies in my stomach which was rare for me.

I decided to take a quick shower and get ready to head out.

After the shower I dried my red hair, slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a Guns N' Roses t-shirt. Then I straightened my hair, put a bit of mascara on and slipped my black converse on. I grabbed my white bag with all my things. Phone, map, money, sunglasses, and anything else I needed and headed out.

I walked over to Starbucks and grabbed a coffee. "It'll be right out" the cashier said. I decided to take a seat in a small table. I scrolled through my text messages noticing I had like 56 unread.

I read some and ignored the others. My parents texted me telling me to come home, not to mention 43 missed calls from them.

Mom: Come home Princess, we miss you!

Mom: Baby?! Your Nana misses you, I miss you, you father misses you come home

Dad: When you come home your in big trouble!!

Mom: Abigail you come home this instant!!!!

Mom: Your Father is getting mad! You'll be in a lot of trouble young lady!!

The texts just kept getting worse and worse. I looked at the messages my friends were sending.

Charlie: Hey! (: please come home babe! We miss you Dx

Laurie: Omg!! Your all over the news Abbie! :o are you alright?!

Dani: Are you good babe? Is it true you ranaway?? Everyone in the kingdom is talking about you!

As much as I missed my friends, I didn't want to go back. I know I can't text back because the CSI will get on my case & come and find me as fast as I can say find. I was brought back to Earth by a girl standing in front of me. She kept staring at me in shock, what did I do? Then it hit me. Her blond wavy hair, her deep blue eyes, her huge smile.

"Abbie!? Is that you??" she said.

"Charlie??" she quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

Charlie Henderson. She was my best friend growing up. She was a Princess as well, but her parents were less strict than mine. We did everything together, we still kept in touch

"I missed you so much girl!" she said

"I missed you too!"

She broke the hug "What happened after last months party?! After you left no one has heard from you since!"

"Parents caught me and grounded me" I sighed.

"Ughh. Sorry but to be honest I never liked your parents" she quietly said.

"Ya, I never liked then ether" we sat down and caught up a bit.

"So? What are you doing here and away from London? I'm surprised your here without your parents" she finally asked.

"Charlie, your my best friend. And I can tell you anything right?"

"Ya?" she said confused. "Wait... Are you pregnant?!" she half screamed.

"No!!! Defiantly not!"

"Then, what is it?" I sighed and began to tell her the story.

~30 minutes Later~

"Oh my gosh..." she said sipping her coffee. "So... Your the runaway Princess!!" she screamed

"Shhhh!!!!! Are you trying to get me killed?!"

"Sorry Abbie. You don't know how much of a mess London is without you!! They're going crazy looking for you! They sent SWAT teams, the CSI, the FBI, the police all over for you!"

"Ya, I know, I saw last night"

"Not to mention your face is plastered everywhere!" she said looking at me worried. "Where are you staying?"

"In a hotel..." I said quietly.

"And your gonna live there forever?"

I shook my head "Only for 2 weeks" I said sipping my coffee.

"Come live in the castle with me!" she said.

"No, no, I can't Char, they have millions of guards looking for me. I just can't risk it"

"I'm not having my friend live homeless. Someone could rape you for all I know. Come, live with me!"

I thought about it. "What about your parents? They'll surely turn me in?"

"No they won't! They'll let you stay. They're cool like that"

Should I take the offer and the risk? It would be better than living on the street?

She looked at me with puppy dog eyes begging me to go. "Ugh! Fine, I'll go"

She jumped up happily from her seat "YAYYY!! Come on! Let's go get your stuff" she pulled me out of my seat and we headed to my hotel.

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