Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: I Know Your Secret

"Uhh, Niall? What brings you here?" I said

"What brings you here?" he replied. He walked up to me. I looked him straight in the eyes. He looked straight at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. He looked down, them quickly locked eyes with me again.

"I didnt tell you the truth because... you said you didn't like famous people" he said whispering the last part.

I looked and him and just smiled. He smiled back.

"And why did you and the boys pretend to be normal teenagers?"

"Because you said you didn't like famous people. I thought that if I told you we were in a famous band, I'd lose you. I didn't want to lose you because of my fame, it wasn't fair" he lifted up my chin with his finger and stared into my eyes.

"And trust me, your something I wouldn't want to lose" with that he leaned forward towards me and his lips met mine. The kiss was passionate.

It's crazy how much I've fallen for this boy. I've never fallen for anyone this hard, heck!? I've never even fallen for anyone. Nana said to never get too attached to someone, because it would be a hard time letting go. But I couldn't help it, with Niall, everything disappeared.

He finally broke the kiss, then he smiled once again. "So, now that you know my secret, are you hiding anything?" he said joking around. But I froze. "Abbie? Are you alright? I was just kidding" he said grabbing my shoulders.

"Ya, I know" I said. "Come on, the guys are probably wondering where we are" I grabbed his hand and we walked back to the living room.

We sat back down on the couch.

"You guys can go back to being One Direction" I told the boys. They looked at me with confused faces.

"What do you mean?" Louis said.

"Ya, what is this One Direction you speak of?" Zayn replied.

"Guys, let it go. She knows" Niall said with a big smirk.

They all nodded "Well now that you know we're One Direction, let's show you around Louis 1D room" Liam suggested.

"Oh, well, that's kinda how I found out"

"No worries! We'll give you the right tour! Follow me" we all got up and followed Louis to the room I entered earlier.

As Louis was explaining and showing us around, Harry stood next to me, then whispered "We know your secret"

I froze.

Did he actually know? No. He couldn't. And who else knew?

-10 min. Later-

As we were walking back once again to the living room I let go of Niall's hand and pulled Harry to the side.

"Hey nice seeing you again!" he said.

"What was all that back there!?" I said.

"What was what?" he asked sounding as if he never told me anything.

"Don't play dumb with me Harry, what secret do you know?!"

"You really wanna know"


"Well first of all, Princess Abigail, you look much better with red hair. It's a nice color on you" he said with a smirk.

"How'd you know?" I asked shocked.

"Your really bad at covering up the facts Abbie"

"Please don't tell Niall" I begged.

"So your Princess Abigail?!" I heard Liam's voice. He came out of a room along with Louis and Zayn.

"How long have you guys been there?!"

"The whole time" Louis said.

"Why don't you want us to tell Niall?" Zayn asked.

"Because, he could possibly be in a lot! Of danger. And I know if you or I tell him that I'm the Runaway Princess, he'd convince me to go back home"

It went silent for a couple of minutes. Liam and Harry whispered amongst eachother.

"Ok" Zayn said finally breaking the silence. "We won't tell Niall, because we finally see that he's happy. And if you were to leave, he'd be miserable"

I opened my arms and they soon filled in the empty space between us.

"Thank you so much" I told them. We walked back and joined Charlie and Niall in the living room.

.:Louis's POV:.

So, we just found out that Abbie is for sure Princess Abigail. And that she's on the run, probably why she's so far from the castle.

Something we haven't told Abbie is that Zayn, Harry, Liam, and myself made a pack to protect her from anything.

Not just because she's a Princess but because we don't want to see Niall upset again.

I have to admit, you can tell that Abbie really loves Niall. Just by the way they look at eachother. I truly think Niall knows he's found the one. Which is the reason we swore to protect Abbie.


Sorry, this chapter is really short /: and a little boring D: Please check out my new fanfic The Fame!!!!!!! :D THE FAME! I'm sure your gonna love it, plus there's an amazing Plot Twist (*0*)

Love you Beautifuls SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much :* do you want me to call you Beautifuls, Unicorns, or Sass Mastas? Or any other idea is welcomed (:

Remember to





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<3 Stay Beautiful <3

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