Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Enough

"Princess Abbie!! Over here, over here!!" "Can you please shake my hand Princess?!"

"Princess Abbie!! How do you feel about your dad's decision on the new rules?!"

"Princess over here!!!!" I was being thrown questions left and right. Our plane had barley landed back in London, and paparazzi were there to see it all. I had my big puffy blue dress on, and of course my tiara with my straight hair. And if your asking, yes, I hate wearing these huge 50 lbs. dresses everywhere I went. It was mandatory for a princess. We finally got in our carriage and went to our castle. The windows on our carriage were open so we can wave to people as we arrived.

"Sweetie, wave with a smile" my mom said. I wasn't really in the mood to smile, mostly because I was tired of this life.

Hi, my name is Abigail Lynn Hensworth. But you can just call me Abbie. And as you can see, I'm a Princess. I was born and raised here in London, England into a royal family. I had people waiting on my every need, money, the boys, and the fame. You may think, "I wish I had your life!" or "I wish I was a Princess" well you can certainly have my life. I don't want it. It was fun at first, but it got boring in time, doing the same stuff over and over, wearing 50 lbs. dresses everywhere you go, being treated like a full adult all the time and having to have manners all the time.

Not to mention having to give up everything fun in your life. Not being able to hang out with friends, play sports, sing or do anything musical. I can't even go partying with out something bad coming out on a magazine the next day.

People expect a lot from you and expect you to act in a sophisticated way all the time. Ya, you may get to travel around the world and what not, but it's not vacation. The reason me and my family travel are for duties needed to be done by the King, Queen, and Princess. And one last thing. You may also think "I'm going to meet my prince charming and were going to fall in love and get married!" that's all a bunch of bull. I can honestly tell you Prince Charmings only exist in fairy tales. I have to get an arranged marriage, which means my parents pick my husband.

And all the Prince's I've met so far have ended up with a black eye... by me. They are stuck up, immature, little boys who just try to get in my pants, but in my situation, in my dress. And some try to change everything about me?! I'm I not good enough for you?! Guess not!

Ok, back to reality.

Once we got to the castle I got out, and ran into my nana's arms. I can honestly say my Nana (Grandma) is the only one who I can trust with anything and who completely understands my problems.

"How's my beautiful princess" she said

"Great now that I'm back home"

"Why don't I make us some tea and talk about things?"

"That sounds lovely Nana!"

With that I followed my nana inside. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas, knowing I might actually not do anything else today. I don't have any normal clothes. No jeans, no converse or high tops, no t-shirts, it was a big no no for a princess. As my mom would say.

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch while me and Nana sipped our tea.

"So darling, anything to tell me? Any problems?"

"Nana, I don't want this life anymore. It's just so boring and I can never do anything fun. Why did I have to be a "Princess"?"

"Oh sweetie, you were blessed, you must cherish that. And I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes you must except what has been done, and let life shape you the way your meant to be shaped"

"I know Nana, I know. I-I just want meaning in my life. For people to see me, myself. I want my life to be fun and crazy. Not boring and sophisticated"

She came closer to me and fixed my hair up a bit. Then looked me straight in the eyes and whispered. "Sometimes, you have to stand up for what you believe in"

Just then my mother came in and ruined our conversation.

"Darling, dinners ready please put you dress on" she said not even looking me in the eyes.

"Why?? It's just dinner?"

"Because I said so, now go!"

"No" I said finally standing up for myself.

"Excuse me? Don't talk to me like that?! Now go and put your dress on!!!"

"No, I'm not putting my dress on. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. I'm tired of being a princess, of being your puppy following in your shadow. I want to be my own person. Why can't you understand that???!!!"

Then my dad came barging in.

"What's with all the commotion?!"

My mom explained to him what had happened.

"How dare you say that! Now go to your room!" he yelled.

I started tearing up, I slowly walked up the stairs. Before I went in my room I yelled "You can go to bloody hell!!!!" and locked myself inside the room. I had to get away from this, from all of this. My only choice was my choice. It was the only way I'd be able to get away from everything, and start over.

I had to runaway.

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