Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The Text

The suns rays went through the curtains and hit my eyes, waking me up from my not so well slumber.

I got up and stretched remembering last nights events.

I grabbed some of my clothes and went to the restroom to change. Just as I got out I got a text from Niall.

Niall (: :

Good morning babe! Wake your arse up! Picking you up in 5. (:

I stared at the screen just zoning out. Then I stepped outside the restroom and stuffed my pjs in my bag.

I didn't bother eating breakfast, I wasn't hungry at all. I jumped when I heard a beep. I looked out the window and Niall was in his car, he got out and started walking towards the door.

I guess the guards let him in.

I opened the door and there he was.

"Hey babe!" He said with a smile, then pecked me on the lips.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice" I said giving him a big hug, not wanting it to end.

"No problem" he said hugging back.

I said my goodbyes to the King and Queen and thanked them for everything. Charlie on the other hand, didn't even come out of her room.

Niall walked me to the car.

"You ready?" he asked.

"More than I'll ever be" I said, he smiled, which caused me to smile.

I had looked one last time at the castle, then we drove off.

(A/N ok guys I'm like skipping to a month later cause I don't want to write boring chapters and leave you with nothing exciting in them so yeah lol)


One Month Later


Everything's going ok.

I ended up moving in with Niall, he has one more month till he goes back to tour. He even invited me to go on tour with him and the boys.

We got closer than ever.

The boys are the same old boys. Crazy, wild, and fun.

Nothing strange has happened which was good.

And as for me and Charlie... Nothing. Haven't spoken to her since I left.

But aside from that, everything's perfect! But things just seem to never stay that way...


"Niall!!!! STOP!" I yelled as we have a tickle fight on the couch.

"Never!!" He replied, both of us laughing.

"OK OK OK STOP!" I yelled playfully kicking him away. He held his hands up in defeat

We both layed down, legs intertwined as well as our fingers. Just staring into eachothers eyes.

It's intimate moments like these that I enjoy the most with Niall, observing every little thing about him.

The way his hair is so messy but sexy in the morning, the way he scrunches his nose, the way his eyes flicker in the light.

I never would have thought that I would meet a boy I love so much while running away from home.

Niall gets closer and puts his body between my legs and kisses me.

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