3:mmm..mine now

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"Gorge shit sorry after stream I fell asleep and ligit just woke up" dream  messaged back, knowing he was lying.

Sapnap sifted pushing dream father down on the couch, makeing dream look down at the boy who he was cuddling.

"Oh its fine, but why did you just answer with ... to my message on discord" Gorge messaged.

"I really didn't have the good way to respond  to it" dream messaged  as he blushed at the sleeping boy on his chest.

"Did you really mean what you said about dnf being done..." Gorge messaged.

"Gorgie... why do you care so much about what I said?" Dream messaged still looking more at sapnap then his phone.

"It's just- I don't know I thought you really ment what you said" Gorge messaged.

"Yes gorgie I really did mean what I said, you just take things a little to far, over things that are so small" dream messaged back.

"Sapnap was the one that took that farther then it needed to be-" Gorge messaged.

"You were the one to start it Gorge, and yes I did find it funny when it first started, but you to it for 35 damn minutes"

"And thats just childish" dream messaged as sapnap woke up slowly.

"But dream... i love you-".

Sapnap saw the messages, looking up at dream.

"Dream just send him a picture of us kissing or something" sapnap said in a sleepy voice.

"Oh you woke up cutie~" dream said looking at sapnap who now had his head on his shoulder.

"Mhm~" sapnap said looking at dreams neck with a devilish smirk as he slowly started slowly pampering dreams skin.

Dream said nothing enjoying the affection he was getting from his best friend, just looking stright at him the whole time as hickeys started to pop up.

"Dream you there? You haven't answer for a bit" Gorge messaged.

Dream snaped a picture of what him and sapnap was doing, sending it to gorge with a caption "pretty sure I got more then just you that loves me gorgie~".

"I- but I thought we had a spical connection" Gorge messaged.

"You herd what I said gorgie... it's now dreamnap, dreamnotfound is over" dream messaged.

"I thought  it was a joke though"gorge messaged.

This is when sapnap took dreams phone.

"Well now its dreamnap so suck it, because it clearly  isn't a fucking joke, hell I even made mask a love song for sapnap nobody really noticed that, but sapnap himself" dream(sapnap) messaged.

"..." Gorge messaged.

"Mmm mine now" sapnap said cuddling closer to dream tossing his phone onto the coffee table.

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