7:liglty hinting

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"Well that was inventful" sapnap said leaving the call on discord.

"Jealous gorgie is gonna get more annoying, he tried to ruin the whole groups of friendship" dream  said unamused.

"Dream it'll be alright we have one another" sapnap said kissing dreams cheek so lightly.

"I know we do cutie, I'm more of afired that our little stunt will break the dreamteam up" dream said as sapnap went back to sucking darker  marks onto whats his.

"If he leaves the dreamteam over you likeing me not him then wasent a true member" sapnap wispered going back to marking dream.

"Mmm~ I guess your right cutie" dream said looking at his boyfriend who looked to be topping him in the prostion  they were in.

Dream enjoyed the attention and affection his boyfriend was giveing him, sapnap slowly moved his hand down to to dreams thigh where sapnap started  to rub dreams thigh, looking for the sentive spot  on dreams neck soon finding it.

"Augh fuck sapnap~" dream moned out as soon sapnap found that spot.

"Found it~" sapnap said with a devilish  smirk.

Sapnap now had his knees under dreams arm in his armpits and kept teaseing that spot makeing dream mone each time, witch made sapnap even more horney then he was before.

"your mones a so adorble babe~" sapnap said with a devilish smirk.

Dream looked up at sapnap who was now looking dream in his eyes, blushing  alot.

"Cutie~ what exactly is your plan" dream said.

"I have no plan just horney" sapnap said.

"Mmm~ Alright let's take this somewhere else then the couch or a bedroom cutie" dream said following  sapnaps hits.

"Anywheres fine~" sapnap said nipping his boyfriends ear.

Dream picked up sapnap carring him to dreams bedroom, thinking about the clean up after, and he had a joint bathroom to his room.

he's mine now {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon