16:karlapity confession

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Dream helped  his boyfriend  to sapnaps recording room, sitting sapnap on the main gaming chair and sitting off to the far side of the computer.

Sapnap joined the vc Karl and quackity were lingering  in, when he joined he put his headset on the desk so his boyfriend could also hear the convo.

"Oh hello sapnap you joined fanilly" quackity said more quietly then normal, almost like he was nervous.

"Q you good, you arint as loud as normal" sapnap questioned his friend as he was looking over at his boyfriend  slightly.

"Oh yeah I'm fine" q said letting out a nervous giggle.

"Mkay now what is it you wanted to ask me" sapnap questioned as he felt his boyfriend grab his hand rubbing it.

They herd a little rustle comeing form  there end, it was clear they were togather in the same room.

"Well sapnap I know you only fake proposed to us in minecraft-" Karl started with a nervous hint in his voice.

Now dream was getting slightly prossive, but it was getting  more and more.

"Yeah what about it?" Sapnap faked confusion.

"Well we actully ended falling for you...sapnap" karlapity said.

This didn't really shock sapnap nor dream that much but dream was alot more prossive then he was before.

"So..we were wondering I'd you'd be in a real poly relationship with us" karlapity both said neversoly.

"Look you two are both some of my closest friends, and this doesn't really surpise me you actually  fell for me" sapnap started as he looked over at dream who was smirking.

"So what do you say?" Karl perked up.

"I'm sorry, but your about month to late on this, I'm taken" sapnap said as dream walked closer putting his arms around sapnap.

"Can we atleast know by who?" Quackity questioned.

"Mmm hold on let me ask them" sapnap said mutting his mic.

"What do you say dreamy" sapnap questioned his boyfriend.

"Yeah I don't see why you can't tell them cutie, if you wanna I'm happy  to tell them" dream said smirking.

Sapnap unmuted.

"So he said that we could let you two know" sapnap said as dream kissed his cheek.

"So who is it" Karl questioned.

"He is taken by me" dreams voice rung through the mic.

It went dead sligent for a moment on karlapitys end, this actually  shocked them.

"That's actually surpiseing, we thoght dream used to like Gorge before gorges little stunt" quackity said with voice cracks.

"Mmmm it's called I wanted fan service, me and sapnap have always had a greater bond then me and Gorge, we never knew why though" dreams voice rang through agin, his hand in sapnaps hair playing with it.

"Well, that's all we wanted to say" Karl's voice said before.

Quackity left the call (they were on qs account).

Sapnap left the call quickly, as his boyfriend enclosed him in a big panda hug.

"My cutie" he herd dream say under his breath.

Sapnap kinda figured dream had gotten prossive  when he herd Karl and quackitys confession.

"Yes I'm yours, and only yours" sapnap said.

he's mine now {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن