9:gorges confession...

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The boys slept for the rest of the day and throughout the  night dream was first of  the two to wake up, to a buzzing comeing from his phone, Gorge was messgeing him something and dream was way to tired to deal with that right then he took his attention back to the sleeping boy he loved so much on his chest, sapnap stired abit his hand clinching onto his boyfriends arm cuddling to it.

"Awh your so adorble" dream wispered quietly  as he place his hand in sapnaps hair playing with it for a bit.

Soon sapnap  woke up and his eyes darted around the room he was in not really recognizing the room but he felt the warm gasp of someone around him and side-eyeing behind him to see

his dream
             His boyfriend

"Ah you fanilly woke up cutie" dream wispered lovely into saps ear.

"Moring babe" sapnap said in a overly sleepy voice.

"Somebody's still tired after we had our little fun last night" dream  wispered sudactively.

"Of corse I am dreamy~ damn you did a number on me~" sapnap wispered sudactively.

"Mmm can you fell your legs or do in need to rub your legs cutie~" dream said with a smirk.

"I can bearly fell them~" sapnap looked at dream in his eyes as dream went in for kiss.

The kiss was short and sweet, dream grabed his phone cause all the notification sounds was getting abit annoying and they were all from Gorge.

"Gorge what is it are you fucking obsessed with me or something" dream messaged back fanilly responsed.

"Oh so you fanilly responsed now" Gorge responded.

"I was busy now what could you possibly need at 6 in the morning" dream messaged.

"I wanted to apologize about what I did yeserday-" Gorge messaged.

"Mmm... yeah I don't buy it what do you REALLY want gorge" dream messaged.

"I... wanted to ask you if you'd be my boyfriend" Gorge messaged.

Dream was a bit taken back from that as sapnap took dreams phone, his prossiveniss took over.

"Look Gorge you are a nice guy in all, but I'm taken and by who will stay unknown for the time being, until that person wants our relationship to be public, so I'm going to have to decline that offer" sapnap messaged from dreams phone, while his boyfriend just gave him affection watching sapnap be over protective.

"I-i understand I should of asked before I made such big assumptions" Gorge messaged.

"This is why you think before you ask such important questions, maybe even ask who I like so you already know the face of rejection or not" sapnap messaged for dream.

"You don't need to be so rude about it dream, I get it, all you did is flirt  with me and steal my heart for fan service" Gorge responded.

"Excally😌, there fanilly you use that brain you were given for something other then codeing" sapnap messaged for dream as dream was busy giveing him lots off affection, by kisses all over his face and more.

"Now you are just being a huge dick dream, I don't know how you even have someone when your like this" Gorge responded.

"Ohh I'm only being like this cause you woke me up from my slumber of like a God damn hour, and you have been nothing but annoying sice sapnaps joke" sapnap messaged for dream.

"I... fuck you and sapnap I'm done, screw the dreamteam" Gorge said ask he blocked dreams  conect.

"There no more annoying" sapnap said cuddling to his boyfriends handing back dream his phone.

"Damn that was hot cutie~" dream wsipered as they hear sapnaps and dreams phone buzzing with notifications.

Gorge had spred the pics of the chat messaged between him and dream on Twitter amongst other places, and discord pepole were messgeing them to see if that was real, and takeing dreamnaps side on this.

To the group of friends that knew dreamnap way longer then Gorge did, it was obvious the last few messages was sapnap on dreams phone by how they were typed, so they really didn't  care about it.

he's mine now {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ