18:thats sus

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The boys woke up to see lots of fanart on Twitter or.. well ship art of dream and sapnaps moment from the day before...

How odd...

"Maybe they just all thought of that pose and it was a coincidence" sapnap suggested.

"Yeah probably" dream said his arm still around his boyfriend.

"Mmmm my 5 hour leg message last night really help my legs there not as stiff" sapnap said cuddling closer to dream.

"Glad they are baby" dream said breathing hot air on sapnaps neck.

"Dreamy~ I love you" sapnap said in a low wisper.

"Oh sappy~ I love so much asweel" dream said.

Dream and sapnap actully started a war of saying I love you, and who loves one another more.

"This is stupid, I get get we both love one another alot" dreamnap both say at the same time.

Dream then sits up pulling sapnap on his lap and kissed him, they eneded up takeing it deeper, that contuied for a few moments until they broke it.

"This what we were ment to be all along" both boys thought as they looked one another in the eyes.

Sapnap picked up his phone scrolling  through Twitter, his boyfriend looking over his sholder looking to, but also marking up his neck.

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