Chapter 1-----The Beauty of a Bestie 😍😍

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'Oh my God, I can not believe we have finished our exams today' I exclaimed facing Angel. 'The invigilator they brought today was not nice at all' Angel cried from the examination hall. 'Why?'. I asked raising an eyebrow. 'I was not able to even ask anything from anybody, that wicked man sat beside me all through the exam. I was even trying to call you but you didn't answer me' she said all in one breath.

Angel has always been like that; talking as if she is eating hot yam. We had just concluded our Junior secondary school examination.
I remember the first day I met Angel.

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It was a Monday morning, Mr Chukwuemeka popularly called Mr chuks entered jss2 class with a girl following him from behind. Mr chuks was our basic science teacher and our class teacher. He was known to be a jovial and active teacher. However he can be very serious whenever he wants to. Most of us liked him a lot.

'Good morning everyone' he greeted, standing in front of the class. 'Good morning sir, you are welcome to jss2. God bless you and your family Amen' we stood up and shouted using our high-pitched voice.

'Well, we have a new student' he started and we all looked at Angel standing beside Mr chuks. 'She is a transfer student and I WANT YOU TO TREAT HER WELL' he emphasized on the last part causing all of us to giggle.
Well, we can't blame him. Our class was known to be the most notorious, troublesome yet intelligent class.

Many teachers have used cane on us yet we were still as troublesome as ever. They got tired and started giving us punishment and that didn't help matters.

'Quiet' he shouted at us. 'Now, would you introduce yourself' he gestured to Angel. 'Hi, I'm Angel Leonard and I look forward to being a member of this class'. As she said this everyone especially the boys started clapping their hands. 'That's alright, settle down and go call your next teacher' Mr Chuks said walking out of the class.

Immediately he left, Angel came to my seat and asked sweetly 'can I sit beside you?', OMG, how could I had refused, with those cute dimples of hers. Being the sweet girl I was, I allowed her to sit by my side. My classmates were surprised that I allowed her to sit beside me because I never let anyone on my seat not to talk of beside me.

Call me a snub, call me proud, I don't think I care. I just love my privacy okay. But Angel was an exception. The way she even asked with those dimples, I had no choice than to accept her.

As if that was not enough, she placed her book on the table and turned to me 'excuse me, what is your name?' 'ọmọ, this girl does not know me sha' I thought in my mind.

I know what you are thinking; that I'm an evil wicked brat. No, I just don't like talking that much. I hate starting a conversation and I don't even know how to continue if I eventually start one. I guess I have this kind of bossy aura around me that many people are always afraid to confront me and here was this new girl asking for my name. How was it so easy for her to start talking to me. Everybody can't be inner voice gave me an answer.

Well, due to those cute dimples of hers, gosh my obsession for dimples ehn. 'I am Adebukola' I  answered to the surprise of all my classmates. I usually love being called Bukky or Adebukola in full. 'Nice meeting you' she said zipping up her bag.

It was during lunch break that I heard noises from the entrance of our class and me being the 'sophisticated amebo', I stylishly made my way to the door. I saw Angel yelling at a group of girls, well the class LIG to be specific.

'Gossiping is nothing but an act of cowardice, why can't you just confront her' I heard Angel's voice from where I stood. It was starting to get interesting..

'And how is that your business, new girl no brain' oops! that was bad. Nneka one of the LIG members shot back.

Incase you don't know the meaning of LIG. It is latest information giver. (I laugh😂). They are known to be the informant in the class. They never run out of gist. They always have some spicy and hot gist to give to the class.

'Speaking of brain, do you even think before talking' and that was a hit. Everyone erupted in laughter. Nneka accepting defeat glared at Angel and said something that made me stop in my tracks 'you are not even bukky, so why are you interfering' and then it hit me like a bullet. She was talking about me and this girl was actually defending me.

I pushed my way among the crowd to give her a piece of my mind. I hated gossiping and I would not appreciate others gossiping about me. If you want to talk, just come straight to me and we settle the matter. What joy is there in gossiping. Though they say there's no one that can escape gossip, that doesn't mean I won't always confront those that gossip about me..

'And am I the Bukky you are talking about you fowl' I asked Nneka with a smirk on my face
Her face immediately turned pale after hearing my statement. I didn't even wait for her reply, I grabbed Angel and walked away. No one had ever stood up for me like that, I liked her immediately and that's how we became besties and we are almost inseparable now.

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'And he said we should submit and then..... hey! are you even listening to me' Angel shook me indignantly causing me to come back to life.

'Yay! we've finished our exams' I jumped trying to cover up the fact that I didn't hear anything she has been saying since, smacking her head in the process and then I knew I had to run for my dear life. 'ouch, let me get hold of you, you goat' Angel said running after me

Author's note.
So here is the first chapter
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Ọmọ my hand dey pain me😪😪😪. It's not easy to be a spec😎😎😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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