Chapter 2----------Holiday🙄

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After our last exam Angel and I went to my house. It had become our habit to go to each others house. Sometimes we even sleep over. Our parents also became close due to our friendship.

We got home and quickly switched on the TV without taking off our school uniform. We both love Korean movies and so we were ready to 'watch the hell' out of it since we had been deprived of watching TV from the day we started our examination.

'You should take off your uniforms before watching anything' my mum yelled from the kitchen. 'Yes mum' we both chorused not taking our eyes off the TV. And boom! the next thing I saw was the black screen of our TV. This woman no get chills.

'Now go inside, change your clothes and come into the dinning for food' my mum snapped, going back to the kitchen. We knew better than to argue. All we could do was to stand up hesitantly and walk to my room. 'And call Kofi and Efua too' I heard my mum from the kitchen.

Okay..... don't get confused. Kofi and Efua are my younger siblings. They are twin and I love them a lot. I know you are wondering why I'm Adebukola and my siblings are Kofi and Efua. Well, my father is a Yoruba man while my mum is a Ghanaian. From what I know, they decided to name me Adebukola with respect to my father's culture and when the twin were born, my mother named them. They were also given Yoruba names; Adebimpe and Adebola.

Although my name is Adebukola, my Yoruba will do nothing but bore holes into your heart. Its not my fault though, I've tried severally to speak it fluently but the language is just so confusing for me; having almost the same tone to every word. The sweet part is that I can write it very well but to pronounce has always been my problem. And my siblings... don't even go there, their Yoruba will completely give you heart problem. The only language we speak in my family is English and a bit of pidgin.

I got upstairs... Oh! did I tell you that our house is a storey building and my room is upstairs opposite Kofi's room. Efua and I sleep in the same room and sometimes Angel joins us.

I opened the door to Kofi's room to see him on the bed. 'Kofi' I called but he didn't reply. I wasted no time as I went inside and jumped on him 'what is it now' he asked angrily 'You nut head, is that how to greet?' I knocked his head earning a glare from him 'mum said you should come downstairs for food' I said going towards the door 'now!' I shouted at him before going to my room.

I got into my room and changed into something simple; a tank top and shorts. Angel and Efua were already downstairs by the time I got there. I sat down and smiled looking at the Jollof rice my mum prepared for us. 'Prayers' my mum started and we gladly continued 'Dear Lord, thank you for this delicious food, for the beautiful hands that prepared it and for the wonderful mouths that will take it in. Amen'.

This had always been our regular prayer before food. My mouth was now watery due to the chicken lap in front of me.

'So how was your last paper' my mum looked at us curiously. 'It was good ma, and Angel...' I didn't get to finish my statement as Angel chocked on her drink and started coughing. I knew it was her way of telling me to shut up. I had no intention of saying anything, I was actually aiming to tease her.

'What did Angel do' mum looked at the both of us suspiciously. And I wasn't expecting that 'not-h-ing' I stuttered. 'Are you sure?' my mum asked with her eyes fixed on me. 'Yes, I mean she really did well today' I completed my statement looking at my food.

'Okay, are we expecting all round distinction' she continued. Why do I feel like I'm in an interrogation room. 'May God help us' I replied stuffing the chicken in my mouth. 'So Bukky, you would follow me to the boutique starting from tomorrow'. "Could my day be more worse" I cursed internally. I hated following my mum to her boutique. The place is super boring.

Yeah, my mum sells clothes, shoes, bags and jewelries in her boutique and the only thing I go there to do is sit and watch as buying and selling takes place (durrr).

I had no choice than to nod my head to say yes because going against my mum at this moment means being grounded for at least one week and I wouldn't want to start my holiday in a grounded state.

'Could Angel come with us' I suggested throwing a mischievous smile towards Angel. But what she said next broke my heart into tiny pieces. 'I........'.

Author's note.
Hi everyone👋👋
What do you think about this chapter? What do you think was Angel's reply.... 🤔🤔🤔
Let's find out in the next chapter.
Thank you 😍😍😍😍😍

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