Chapter 5------- First day

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Of course I was never wrong. I could not even complete my statement. From the way he dressed I could already tell that he is a brainless jerk.

I let my eyes wander to his legs and I almost burst out laughing. Looking at his black shoe which I was very sure does not know what is called polish or even foam and water, up to the way he tied his shoelaces on his over the knee blue socks; I almost choked on my spit. As if that was not enough, he tucked in his baggy trousers into his socks and I could not help but laugh inwardly. Like, how did they even allow him into the school dressed like this.

'You like what you see?' his voice brought me out of my thoughts and I started laughing hysterically not minding the confused stares of my classmates. 'Like seriously?' I asked in between laughter. Was he really asking me that question. I tried to stop laughing but I could not control it. Dressing like this on the first day of resumption and now asking me if I like what I see. Yeah..who wouldn't laugh when you see a comedian. Oh lord, can this school just sew our uniform already. I can't imagine seeing this every blessed morning.

Before I knew it, many of my classmates already understood what was going on and have started laughing.

'You like what you see right?' ignoring all our laughter, he asked again with a smirk on his face.
Is he being serious, he's even smirking.Oh lord, this boy wil not kill me. I felt like wiping off the smirk on his face. It was as if his whole dressing was a normal thing to him or he did not get the memo.

'Of course, how won't I like what I'm seeing, with you like this' I replied gesturing my hand up and down. This particular action of mine made many students erupt in another round of laughter. 'Just take your bag away from this seat' I added. 'Why?' he asked to my surprise. Because Y has two branches and a tail. 'Because I placed my bag on this seat before you and because you saw my bag on the chair and decided to throw it on the floor and place your bag on it' I answered while picking up his bag, placing it on his hands and taking my seat.

He wanted to say something but I cut him off 'It's okay, I'm not angry, you can find another place to sit'. His dressing alone had made the anger in me disappear. I'm actually do not hold grudges. Once I say it out that's it🤷. Before he could reply me, our teacher came in.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

The principal came to our class and gave all of us words of advise. We all chose various department of our choice. I chose the science department as I would love to become a Medical doctor like my dad. If only I knew what I signed for.

During break, I went to the cafeteria to get myself a bottle of Fanta and snacks. As I sat down to eat, two girls walked up to my table. 'May we' they asked at the same time with their hands on the chair. 'It's a free world' I answered them and they happily pulled out the chair in front of me and sat. I raised my head slightly and that was when I saw their faces clearly.

The first girl who sat directly in front of me was a short, slim and dark skinned lady. Her beauty radiated the whole of the cafeteria if I may add. She had a long black wavy hair and her dark pupils were so bright.

'I'm Ademide, Mide for short' the girl I was looking at said with a smile, displaying her gap teeth. She is a real beauty. 'I'm Farida, the other girl also chirped in showcasing her beautiful dimples as she smiled. Just like Angel. I looked at her and observed that she was a tall lady with a light brown skin. Her hair was dark and curly.

It was when I saw their confused face that I remembered I was supposed to tell them my name. 'Adebukola, Bukky for short' I said with a smile on my face.

'We saw what happened in the morning and we can't be more grateful' Mide started. I raised my eyebrows wanting to ask why they were happy. As if reading my mind, Mide continued.

'We came from the same school and Dustin has been nothing but an idiot'. 'Dustin?' I asked surprised. Is there is a name like that in this Nigeria. 'Yeah' Mide replied. 'That's his name. Funny right?' we all burst into laughter.
His name kind of sound like his appearance. Dustin and dusty😂.
'You know, when we were in our former school, he and Farida....' Mide started but couldn't continue as Farida cut her off 'I guess that story is for another day' I didn't miss the look of regret in her eyes that came and disappeared in an instant. I also noticed she does nmt talk much unlike Mide.

'Can we just change the topic and stop talking about this Dustin of a thing' Farida talked again and sipped her coke. I wonder what happened between them.

'So have you been here before or this is your first time in this school' Mide faced me with curiosity. 'I've been here since Jss1' I replied. 'Yay! will you take us around' she asked with a pleading tone. I checked my wristwatch and I saw that we only had 15 minutes till break would be over. 'That would be tomorrow' I answered. 'Tomorrow it is' Mide shouted excitedly earning stares from students in the cafeteria. 'I think it's high time we headed back to class' I stated standing up with my remaining Fanta.

'Hello ladies' I heard a voice behind me and I noticed Farida became frozen on the spot.

Author's note
Hi everyone
Another update today...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter..
Who or what do you think made Farida frozen on a spot.
Let's find out in the next chapter
Don't forget to vote, comment and share😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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